Wow. The thing is, Lewan wrestles so many close matches that that result doesn't make me feel all that better about Siebrecht's chances of scoring meaningful March points
I think he legitimately looks better. That's the thing though, he's been maximizing his potential for 5 years now.
As to your question, I'm not sure. I can foresee a Mauller/Yahya/Milner troublesome blood round match
I wish I was that hopeful. Every year there's been an injury. Just by that fact I give a 5% chance to the field. Beyond that, his cardio, although improved, remains an issue
For sure. As a huge Lee fan, I had 2 concerns at the beginning of the season: 1) can he get in shape, 2) can he stay healthy. I see progress in the 1st. Unfortunately, the 2nd will remain an open question the rest of his career, I'm afraid
This is all fine and good but what I really want to know is:
Who is the least likely to win the Hodge and what sort of chaos would need to ensue in order to make it happen?