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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. is this what you tell hamas?
  2. hi @ThreePointTakedown you were saying don't be a jerk? yeah... dont' let kids.. who have no clue... or don't influence kids to do irreparable harm to themselves
  3. so you think someone else knows better for my child than i do? you can gfy
  4. btw,, editing? what are you talking about?
  5. i was told it was the right who were fascist
  6. what happens when i misgender you in michigan? what happens when I don't want my child to transition in california? now tell me who the fascists are
  7. i dont remember either... why did it go viral
  8. you dont say
  9. speaking of cheap fakes... the media is not hated enough. they do this all the time the vote was 8-1
  10. this is cheap im sure, but not sure it's fake probably a good translation
  11. i am reading where this is going to cause problems... registering people in the right states, they create ballots... then can harvest them...
  12. just negotiate... (the posters here think history started on 10/7)
  13. you just have to negotiate... (thinks time started 10/7)
  14. everyone paid the same... you get what we have in education
  15. as far as I could do that.. michael phelps body is different than anyone else on the planet wasn't something just posted here about two men the same height.. but one had long legs and was a record breaking marathoner, the other had short legs and long arms... phelps... and a was a record breaking... just realized i read about it in atomic habits, different than i remembered.. but they had the same inseams https://www.obeo.com/blog/phelps-vs-el-guerrouj-play-to-your-strengths/
  16. biden said today.. he wants to shut down the border and work on a path to legal status why do we need both? if he shuts down the border, the only way is legally. if he uses the legal path... the border can't be shut down. the only people who appear to be above the law are illegal immigrants
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