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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. Dake was yelling and yelling and JB says.. no it's not from the first period. look at the time.
  2. cody looked like he was trying to telepathically tell dake to shut up
  3. what do you mean... why was it ruined?
  4. better or worse than cold spray
  5. dont forget didn't taz beat saduleav and someone else incredible in near back to back matches?
  6. i would hope he lives in chile... b/c im not sure cuba would allow him to leave. interesting point about the russians.. i hadn't thought about that... im surprised that russia would allow them to leave as well, if they do
  7. the mat wasn't slippery for cox? i heard it
  8. but they got the chance to try... just ask the chilean HWT in greco
  9. maybe Lee should have praised God and thanked him for the opportunity? would that make him a better sport? or would we be griping about something different...
  10. have you been watching the olympic wrestling? if you have, im wondering if you have been triggered by the ref at the table in the hijab. it could be her decision to wear it... or is she expected to be primarily a baby making machine
  11. another 'conspiracy' wasn't....
  12. the dems told us all how great bidenomics was now kamala says this
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