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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. men being in womens restrooms doesn't matter.... a bold stance for the 'pro women' 'equal rights' etc etc party to take
  2. i mean we get lots of statements about trumps lies... why not any about the lies from the other side
  3. when will journalists stop campaigning for kamala and start asking why she continually lies
  4. the left wants men to take over for women that could be their vision of it
  5. you keep saying billionaires the dems told us again and again, no new taxes on people under 400K then all these people making 200K got hit
  6. RL says nothing is 100%. so by saying unrealized gains will never happen, just jinxed it. why does the left keep talking about taxing unrealized gains? b/c they want the money
  7. if kamala gets picked, without primaries... i dont want to hear anyone bitch anymore about the electoral college
  8. this is why they hired 87K agents. to collect all these unrealized gains.
  9. there hasn't been a 'neutral' network in decades maybe even before the turn o' the century
  10. https://nypost.com/2024/08/19/us-news/nancy-pelosi-defends-herself-over-speculated-biden-beef-i-did-what-i-had-to/
  11. she was asked about biden. those were her words
  12. i wasn't completely correct https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/17/trump-assassination-attempt-swat-officer-report
  13. even after her party continues to take math standards out of curricula
  14. nancy pelosi: i did what i did i wasn't thinking about the man, i was thinking about the campaign
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