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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. that's why they got capone with tax evasion... b/c they could produce no evidence of the other
  2. RFK jr, was not black enough to be considered a good dem
  3. so you are saying they have no EVIDENCE of insurrection?
  4. she has been in office for 3.5 years.. wondering why these aren't already in action
  5. went to sturgis once, the week BEFORE. still millions of bikes. though like you say they were cool. we left that sunday, the rally started monday. on the way east on I90 the west bound lane was non stop bikes, and trailers full of bikes... we turned off 4 hours later...I 90 still almost a moving parking lot
  6. here is some evidence about the left being more radicalized than the right wrong thread. oh well
  7. no one has discussed reasons for greco being more popular ... maybe there are more entrants b/c its wide open? i dont follow greco... are there clear favorites?
  8. i have known trump was an idiot since 1986. He said 'we (usfl) have the NFL, right where we want them.' He got a dollar. I never watched his show. Thought it was stupid and that he acted like a bombastic buffoon. Exactly as he acts now. the Left loved him.
  9. i just find it interesting that the whack jobs were right and now the GOVT admits it
  10. the bubba wallace 'hate' crime got more msm coverage than the attempted assassination of a president
  11. no no no he belongs anywhere but in a position of power
  12. i never had one about flouride or chlorine... i heard many... but wow https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/whatwestudy/assessments/noncancer/completed/fluoride
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