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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. the NYT is always a tough read. they write at a 4th grade level
  2. it does take awhile to go through and correct all your errors... that might be why
  3. its funny about the lying thing in cali it's also illegal to require voter ID but ballot harvesting still legal
  4. trump was a lifelong democrat... now the dems hate him b/c he calls them out i know connections are hard. the left created trump the left created hitler
  5. razor wire shrinks the passable area as well wonder why the feds were removing it https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/30/politics/texas-biden-wire-mexico-border-federal-order/index.html
  6. so you claim trump correct?
  7. unfortunately, salad talking may fall under disinformation. but she is pretty clear here
  8. they really are stealing trumps policies
  9. they have all been remakes of the first movie since about 2007
  10. of course not. thats not what we are saying. go someplace where there isn't a port of entry
  11. again i ask.. why are they on US soil?
  12. oh wait, it's just a dem operative
  13. maybe lebanon
  14. isn't crossing illegally a violation?
  15. why are they setting foot on american soil?
  16. his family separation program... lol why do we have to house anyone. secure the border.
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