With a small gang, a few could influence and kill off others in order to keep the loot for themselves.
If the small gang kills off the others there is no more gang. A few get the loot and the game is over. There wasn't a need to have a lot of loot laying around to steal. Losses at a minimum.
The larger gang of theives needs a fiscal collection to steal from and an amount of theft to support themselves. The bigger the gang the bigger the amount that needs to be stolen. Then the gang of thieves starts to demand even more of the entire fiscal collective.
Is corruption a quantified group or possibly an inherent per centage of a group? I'm not sure.
If we haven't learned that the government is a gang of thieves yet, we haven't learned a thing.
So you know they are a gang of thieves and you want more of them? and you know to pay more eyes to watch every eye; the Government(gang of thieves) need more tax dollars. Our dollar has to be backed by product and substance not legislation and bureaucracy.
gang thieves.docx