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Gene Mills Fan

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Everything posted by Gene Mills Fan

  1. I am new; but loved the Sunday Comics Comic On!!
  2. I would think Spencer walks around at about the same then cuts?
  3. I was saying his fat content and muscle tissue is probably so efficient because he abstains from saturated fats in his diet. He wouldn't even eat cake at a post match party. Since the weights are similar, maybe a key to power.
  4. RockLobster Members 894 Posted Tuesday at 10:50 PM You are the worst of the worst. Hey wait a minute Doesn't the above at least get me in the conversation!!! WOAT of WOATS
  5. except for the post 39 minutes ago! and counting
  6. I heard Spencer asked Rei Higuchi to come train with him. Then when asked about what weight at the worlds, he said he only trains for PERFECT WRESTLING. Do you think he was shading training around Folkstyle? Maybe he's just so disciplined and focused on one goal always.
  7. I also take to taking and talking my point to personally. But look who just became UNSTOPPABLE!! JC(not the holy one)
  8. I was a first year wrestler as a sophomore coming from a catholic 7-9 middle school with only 3 weeks of wrestling each year in phys ed class. Was doing OK about .500 mid season. Then the big dual against last years section champion at my weight. I get on the mat with some apprehension and we begin the hand fight. I'm thinking wow this guy isn't overpowering me I'm even getting this good week side underhook(clueless as to stepping into his setup). BAM next thing I know I'm getting dumped so hard my collar bone cracks the minute I hit the mat. I'm sent to the hospital for the positive XRAY. My strongest memory is my teammates coming and me being wacked out on the effect of pain killers after sucking to cut weight.
  9. diet and nutrition is directly related. excuse my sausage fingers.
  10. With a small gang, a few could influence and kill off others in order to keep the loot for themselves. If the small gang kills off the others there is no more gang. A few get the loot and the game is over. There wasn't a need to have a lot of loot laying around to steal. Losses at a minimum. The larger gang of theives needs a fiscal collection to steal from and an amount of theft to support themselves. The bigger the gang the bigger the amount that needs to be stolen. Then the gang of thieves starts to demand even more of the entire fiscal collective. Is corruption a quantified group or possibly an inherent per centage of a group? I'm not sure. If we haven't learned that the government is a gang of thieves yet, we haven't learned a thing. So you know they are a gang of thieves and you want more of them? and you know to pay more eyes to watch every eye; the Government(gang of thieves) need more tax dollars. Our dollar has to be backed by product and substance not legislation and bureaucracy. gang thieves.docx
  11. I think diet and nutrition isn't directly related to energy levels and muscle tissue development.
  12. Share the wealth, keep the big money for developing team USA! What if they cut the Car match?
  13. The key is quality and energy! In the promo videos Ono is eating broiled octopus and fish and vegetables over rice from a restaurant. I thought I saw Spencer in a school caf eating fried chicken strips and frys?? I couldn't believe he was allowing that crap in his temple!!! Ono was on clean power. Spencer biohybrid grease.
  14. 2 out of 3; I think the wrestlers would only put themselves thru that grind if the payback is worth it.
  15. I think its the shoes Tiger beats Rudis Also camera perspective fore shortening . Stop using stills HAha
  16. I'm sure there are R and D politicians trying to insure the file destruction.
  17. When money is involved, people tend to be wicked that way. Agreed But that sort of says the bigger the government the more the possibility of skimming of the top!
  18. I like it! Load management consequences.
  19. Thats as likely as Mcilroy joining LIV! HMMM
  20. If we get a Sunday comics out of it; its worth it.
  21. Ono quads and his wide stance are like a skid steer on nitro!!
  22. As long as were getting personal your perception of reality is evident by your last place league finish! Thank you
  23. How is unbeaten Henson a #2 to 20-4 McNeil
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