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Gene Mills Fan

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Everything posted by Gene Mills Fan

  1. Also strength of schedule is in RPI isnt it
  2. If the Pharaohs could have stopped all this if the peasants made more sacrifices to control the sun. Earths population has to stop moving. The vibrations are going to split Africa in two!!! Or better yet we may lose California!!!
  3. directly maybe no. but it may happen indirectly through the coach's ranking, maybe
  4. AI Overview Learn more According to current climate science, around 3,000 years ago, the global temperature was likely slightly warmer than today, potentially 1-2 degrees Celsius higher, as this period falls within the "Climatic Optimum" of the Holocene epoch, characterized by generally warm conditions that facilitated the rise of ancient civilizations
  5. Everyone left Minny and they're still great. Kudos to gophers
  6. Im with Porta, Haines strength, defensive posture, and positioning to structured for Hamiti quickness, funk
  7. changing of the Nile, Machu picchu climate changes faster than a geological time scale dummy, do you believe in archeology
  8. The greater the technology the less awareness to your immediate surroundings.
  9. Actually the horse farts during the chariot races, rescinded the nile and covered the pyramids in sand!!
  10. I'm with you on this one! had similar thoughts as to bulk and build! also on a similar side note austin gomez looked like the hulk in that flo interview posted on Lee/Ono night
  11. I see your point only that would be starting another timely review
  12. I think OKST and IOWA having to peak that last week for the Dual, and trying to sustain that high intensity level thru to the conf tourneys, had a negative effect
  13. didn't enjoy his defensive matches but both losses were by seconds not getting out in TB, He does look small framed for the weight. Seems like all the Hawkeyes were worried about their personal results; no team chemistry fighting for one another. Gabe is a team player! Where's the rest of the team? And Teemer only going hard in small pieces of time, maybe because injury, but it seems to be spreading.
  14. Pinto call made up for the bad ones!
  15. which personality? but I like when he argues with himself!
  16. Tony Mantella my high school friend!!! Dominic DeNucci HAhaha!
  17. Yell Jumbo! every time they introduce an Illini wrestler to the mat!!
  18. Is Cael the first interview? maybe just a lateral move?
  19. Is AJ signaling he's going to Cornell next year?
  20. Maybe Trump's playing a hand and waiting to see what cards come next. He made his bid with an ACE up his sleeve; called "the biggest buying market in the world". your other sentences have nothing to do with tariffs
  21. Law is so F..d up. It never matters what really happened, just what rules can be ruled on.
  22. I was thinking this morning, how Ono and the Otuguro's can come and train with different programs. I wish we could get by the ownership bias so we could get cross training at the highest level with our FS guys being able to spend a few weeks at another RTC or the AWA, Nolf's, ect.; without the immediate sense of betrayal and resistance from a home base. Is it happening and im just oblivious?
  23. Seems like, to the judge, it would depend on the cops account of the actions.
  24. He may yet determine and assign value to the correct variables. I applaud his passion! I also enjoy Spanish rice and would like to get his recipe.
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