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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. Solomon gets the the TD and NF... 11-4 and PITT gets the "w" 7-6 LEHIGH... D3
  2. Warning stalling against Matt Repos NO Reinsel. stall repos... 4-4 SV D3
  3. 4-2 Reinsel after 2... Solomon takes down to start the 3rd. E Solomon... 4-3. D3
  4. 3-2 Reinsel after 1... Reinsel takes down to start the 2nd. D3
  5. 149... Finn Solomon RS frosh for PITT vs Owen Reinsel true frosh for LEHIGH... Solomon ranked 24th (don't what ranking pol here...) D3
  6. Matthews gets the "w" for PITT 7-3 dec. LEHIGH still up 7-3... going into 149. D3
  7. E Matthews... later on a TD for Matthews. ALMOST A REVERSAL for Bailey, but the ref gives him an E. Bailey takes down for the 3rd... escape Bailey... 7-3. D3
  8. 3-1 Matthews after 1... Matthews takes down to start the 2nd. D3
  9. Matthews draws first blood... td. E Bailey... extreme scrambling and stop in the action. 3-1 and a restart of the bout. D3
  10. 141... Cole Matthews PITT vs Carter Bailey LEHIGH ( he was @ 125 last season.) D3
  11. 11-2 majorD for Ryan... 7-0 for the B&W. They NEEDED those first two... it's going to be a tight dual! D3
  12. 10-1 Ryan after 2... PITT takes down for the 3rd... D3
  13. It's on FLO if you got a subscription... D3
  14. Vin Santiniello for PITT and Ryan Crookham for LEHIGH @ 133... Ryan is up 6-1 after one... Crookham is down to start the 2nd... D3
  15. 8-5 win for the true Freshman! LU up 3-0. D3
  17. 5-4 Camacho after 2... Stanich is down for the 3rd. D3
  18. 3-0 aftwer one Camacho... Sr. experience at work. Camacho takes down... D3
  19. Colton Camacho for PITT... Luke Stanich for LEHIGH @125. D3
  20. Well... it looks like Luke Stanich will be wrestling @ 125 this afternoon. Also, Malyke Hines and Max Brignola will not be on the lienup @ 141 & 157 respectively. 2 minutes till showtime... D3
  21. Ahh... Mr. Creosote I presume? D3
  22. ... so that's why the medical crew is cleaning up the mats often.? No, I get you... some do make that sacrifice of time and money to continue to wrestle. You gotta admire the love of the sport in them! (The wrestlers... and not puss-in- boots above.) D3
  23. Dieringer made short work of Finesilver via TF 10-0. (I thought Finesilver would've give him a little bit more of a match... silly me. ) D3
  24. Desanto nicely filled out for 65Kg... also won over Mcgee 6-1 as well. D3
  25. And TANXS for the commentary lightweight! Goodwork. D3
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