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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. The first time any of us heard the term, PINFALL... D3
  2. Final box score: No. 23 Pitt 21, No 17 Lehigh 12 125 – Luke Stanich (Lehigh) dec. Colton Camacho (Pitt) 8-5 133 – Ryan Crookham (Lehigh) major dec. Vinnie Santaniello (Pitt) 11-2 141 – Cole Matthews (Pitt) dec. Carter Bailey (Lehigh) 7-3 149 – Finn Solomon (Pitt) dec. Matt Repos (Lehigh) 11-4, sv 157 – Jared Keslar (Pitt) dec. Luca Frinzi (Lehigh) 8-6 165 – Holden Heller (Pitt) dec. Jake Logan (Lehigh) 7-1 174 – Luca Augustine (Pitt) dec. Thayne Lawrence (Lehigh) 6-2 184 – Reece Heller (Pitt) dec. Caden Rogers (Lehigh) 4-1 197 – Michael Beard (Lehigh) tech fall Mac Stout (Pitt) 18-3, 5:29 285 – Dayton Pitzer (Pitt) dec. Nathan Taylor (Lehigh) 2-0 D3
  3. Welcome to Grace Hall, Luke! Luke Stanich's LEHIGH dual debut results in a last period TD for the "W". D3
  4. Disappointed that LEHIGH lost... 7-3 bout split to PITT. It's going to be a long season... again. (BUT a nice dual debut by Luke Stanich! WOO HOO! ) D3
  5. Taylor goes down 2-0... PITT 21-12. (At least, it wasn't a majorD shellacking that Taylor recieved from last season's dual.) D3
  6. 2-0 after 2... Taylor takes neutral for the 3rd. D3
  7. Pitzer reversal... 2-0. Taylor has to work harder now. D3
  8. ZIP-ZIP after one as Pitzer was in on the legs of Taylor. Pitzer is down to start the 2nd. D3
  9. 18-3 TF for Beard ... PITT wins the dual because a tied team score will go to PITT for winning more bouts (6-4) 18-12 PITT. D3
  10. 15-3 domination by Beard... BUT YOU NEED THE FALL! 3rd. neutral... D3
  11. 9-2 Beard after 1... Stout is down for the 2nd... MICHAEL YOU NEED THE FALL!!! D3
  12. 197 Mac Stout RS frosh PITT vs Michael Beard jr LEHIGH... The B&W will need to score w/ falls. D3
  13. TD Heller... 4-1 18-7 PITT... LEHIGH not mathematically out but PITT is in good position to take the dual. D3
  14. E for Rodgers... 1-1 D3
  15. E Heller... 1-0 Heller Rodgers takes down for the 3rd. D3
  16. 0-0 after 1... Rogers got nabbed for a stall. Heller takes down to start the 2nd... D3
  17. 184 another ranked PITT wrestler in Sr Reece Heller vs frosh Caden Rodgers. D3
  18. Augustine won the match 6-2 15-7 PITT Not Good for LEHIGH... D3
  19. E by Lawrence... almost a TD... D3
  20. 2-1 PITT after 2. Lawrence is down to start the 3rd... D3
  21. PITT in on a leg but Lawrence fought it off... 0-0 after 1. PITT is down to start the second. D3
  22. 174... Luca Augustine RS soph vs Thayne Lawrence Soph LEHIGH. D3
  23. 7-1 Heller wins for PITT... 12-7 PITT D3
  24. 4-0 after 2... Logan choose neutral for the third. D3
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