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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. Final score ... Iowa 18-14 Iowa St. D3
  2. Last bout is up... D3
  3. Broderson was satisfied to lose by 4... D3
  4. Iowa definitely got the momentum now. D3
  5. But Mr. Marbles of Chewy sez...But your wrestler got a 14-13 win, PB! D3
  6. 14-13 barnburner for Iowa, and Kennedy looked like he was going to nab bonus earlier on Fortunately for Iowa, the bout wasn't a bit longer... D3
  7. MajorD for Carr and ISU takes a 1pt lead, 10-9. D3
  8. A majorD is in the works for Carr... D3
  9. ISU last had a home sellout crowd for wrestling on 2/19/1982... 14,507 then. D3
  10. Iowa takes the lead after 5... 9-6 D3
  11. Wow... lets go to the video! D3
  12. All tied up after 4 bouts... 6-6 D3
  13. Here ya go... D3
  14. Lot of drama there... good match though. D3
  15. third bout in a row that went 0-0 after 1? (whoa) D3
  16. Iowa St gets one back. D3
  17. Frost is putting on a ride! D3
  18. Ehhhh... it wasn't exciting as we all wanted it to be. (agree) D3
  19. Big win for Ayala... D3
  20. Looks like it's going to be 0-0 after 1... D3
  21. Back to the '70's... ...in the present tense. D3
  22. Wow... they have to be throw-back robes for those Cyclones. D3
  23. Scoring sequence from FloArena... Nick Treaster Navy unattached 9 kurt mchenry Penn State 10 PERIOD 1 Stall Warning 2:22 3 Takedown 0:47 0:32 Escape 1 Neutral PERIOD 2 3 Takedown 0:38 0:38 Escape 1 3 Takedown 0:27 0:20 Escape 1 Bottom PERIOD 3 1:56 Escape 1 1 Stalling 1:49 1:19 Takedown 3 1 Escape 1:05 1 Stalling 0:21 D3
  24. You are correct, sir! From the Illinois Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association website: https://iwcoa.net/hall-of-fame-2/larry-kristoff/ D3
  25. Air Turkey... what a concept. D3
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