He is a big upgrade from boo. Boo has been terrible this year. Burwick also smoked Burwick in wrestle offs. It went from a huge hole in the lineup to a guy that can score at NCAAs
This week will tell alot for burwick. He got all of the drama out of the week with a true full week of Practice. Bubba is hard to score on hard to see him giving up any bonus. Should be close match
I agree. I see the dual like this. Iowa has 2 heavy favorite. Nebraska has 2 favorites. I would not be shocked to see the other 6 matches going either way
Man I don't see it this way.
125 Lee
133 burwick
141 hardy
149 1 point match lean murrin
157 Robb
165 close match. Bubba Wilson
174 Labbs
184 pinto
197 Allred
Heavy Cass
I don't see him being able to beat any of the top 3. Every time out he gets better and better. Out scores nearly everyone in the first and 2nd period. He just needs to finish matches. Assad is an interesting match up Friday