That's not even close to a way to be accurate. Every weight class is different. You have to go by weight class not the entire field. I'd say Allred is 50/50 on AAing
So I'd like to throw out a few senerios. Not saying it'll happen but for fans sake regarding Penn state.
125 No Aa
133 Rby 2nd
141 no AA
149 no AA
157 Haynes 7th
165 No AA
174 starocii gets beat by Lewis in semis. Finishes 4th
184 Brooks loses to Coleman in semis finishes 4th
197 dean stumbles. Finishes 4th
Heavy. Kerk gets beat in semis by Schultz or cass.
Could this debunk Penn state from title? Not saying this is going to happen. But its possible
Well seeing has has been dominating everyone but Lee after Christmas pretty obvious.
149 not sure the strategy
174. That absolutely matters if you aren't ready to wrestle, at this point you are just trolling
Nebraska wrestled the night before too, nice to Vann Dee look very well. I'd say he looks like a contender to AA next year! This Ridge Lovett redshirt might help huskers in the long run