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Everything posted by jajensen09

  1. I am watching everyone of his matches. With a little better gas tank he'll be challenging for AA spot this year
  2. Obviously you haven't watched the kid wrestle. He is an absolute stud! He also might drop to 174 since Labbs is gone. Watch Pinto wrestle and you will change your mind, kid has soooo much talent!
  3. I agree. Does brooks have another year? 184 has alot of seniors I believe. Senior top heavy
  4. Lenny Pinto
  5. This is his last year
  6. Yes it is
  7. Ok bud
  8. Makes a good chance of 4 champs next year though
  9. Absolutely. I think they might do that anyway. Nebraska has more guys that'll score in ncaas
  10. Yep
  11. jajensen09


    Labbs is looking like the clear cut #2
  12. Nebraska will now have 4 guys in the top 5.
  13. You most not have been watching hardy lately
  14. Finally seen the black eye it was giving the program
  15. Hugge upgrade for nebraska. Went from having a hole to something to work with
  16. I agree. I'd say everyone for nebraska wrestled well expect Bubba Wilson. Man he's in a slump
  17. Pinto has an "it" factor you just can't coach. He has powerful moves and positions that are wild. He is going to upset someone in ncaas
  18. He looked pretty good. Crazy match. Being caught underneath entire period isn't ideal for first match back. Big improvement in nebraskas lineup
  19. Free at last!!!
  20. What's the verdict?
  21. 125 if McKee goes W 133 if Burwick is out Minny W 141 Nu W 149 Minny W 157 Nu W 165 Nu W 174 Nu W 184 Nu W 197 Nu W Heavy Min W Nu 6-4
  22. Always has been up to Wisconsin/bono
  23. As of 4 days ago. It was up to Wisconsin. Not ncaa
  24. I enjoy the flo radio shows, also Bader has some good guests once and a while.
  25. True. Just didn't know when today and who was reporting it
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