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Everything posted by Saylors_Tiny_Willie

  1. So does The Economist. https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/10/31/a-second-trump-term-comes-with-unacceptable-risks
  2. 23 Nobel laureates agree. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-10-31/23-nobel-laureates-can-t-be-wrong-about-trump-right
  3. Cassette, oooh, FANCY!
  4. Vinyl roof? 8 track player?
  5. Random capitalization and missing punctuation, for instance.
  6. Trump's doing kiddy dressup and you guys are slobbering all over yourselves. Try to have some dignity.
  7. Derpdie derp de derp! https://www.the-express.com/news/politics/153186/donald-trump-garbage-truck-door
  8. But you're ready and willing to gently cup Vance's balls in your mouth... Dude.
  9. Get a room, you too. Maybe a warm shower, as well.
  10. Silly garbage truck people. He's in the wrong compartment.
  11. There, there, ding dong. Hillary isn't running this time. Is your wrangler there?
  12. https://lasvegassun.com/news/2024/oct/30/trumps-decline-has-been-alarming/
  13. The ape creatures of the Indus Valley have figured out how to run a website better than this.
  14. There's even a really long wikipedia article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump
  15. BZZZZT! An incumbent hasn't lost their party's nomination in modern U.S. history.
  16. How many times has a sitting president NOT gotten the nomination?
  17. That's just what happens when a new fact forces its way into your mind.
  18. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/imf-lifts-us-growth-forecast-marks-down-china-sees-lackluster-global-economy-2024-10-22/
  19. Shhhhh. It's a secret for morons. Shhhhh.
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