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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Obviously I am disappointed in the Kaylor match last night... came out strong scoring first and then got caught in that single to a near side cradle. I think 125 should be like the Royal Rumble... where they randomly select a guy to come to the mat then call a guy out every 30 seconds until all the qualifiers are out there at once wrestling whoever they are wrestling. You have about 20 refs out there. That's probably the only way to do it at this point. Now watch, Minnow is going to create a video of the rumble with different guys names coming to the ring.
  2. It could have something to do with it......The hardcore fans of WWE are interesting.... funny how they would boo a guy like Steveson who had charges dropped and was cleared, but still support all the guys arrested for assault (Austin) , road rage (Flair), etc. .. or McMahon who has been through several allegations of sexual misconduct. Will they continue to cheer on Lesnar at this point?
  3. Yep I agree... but I think Lemley didn't pass skin check at the weigh in, so they didn't have a back-up ready. Not sure if they had a backup 133 ready to go at the weigh in.
  4. There is an investigation according to several articles.
  5. I agree... it was quick and the ref was right there....I keep going back to the fact that his kid is not phased by it... he is already in the process of trying to hip over the kid when his dad comes in.
  6. Truax has been pinned 12x in his college career, most of them earlier in his career ... once each the past two seasons.... Foca and Keck have never been pinned. So I am going to pull Truax down to 2%.
  7. Half the roster has prior charges. Pro wrestling is an ugly, dark sport .... as seen in the McMahon allegations this week. I'm going with he's just not very good as seen last year in his really ugly start.
  8. Idaho


    It's the .... "This guy just dominated an AA so I am making a thread declaring he will win the title" thread.
  9. To be ready and waiting to take over Hawkins.
  10. You should look him up.... you may be surprised at who he is.... From his explanation.... as a coach he knows not to be 2 feet from the action as he says. Second, his kid tries to hip over his opponent right before dad jumps in....obviously not about to pass out if the kid is actually trying to hip over. After everything happens, kid seems fine.
  11. Seems like most (not all) in the portal right now are guys who will most likely drop down a level
  12. yeah... I wouldn't disagree with that. Another weird thing is that his kid (bottom) isn't even phased by what the top wrestler is doing and even tries to hip over him as dad comes to the rescue.
  13. I'm a fan of the underdog and teams working hard to improve..... and I am a fan of the movie Breaking Away.
  14. Says the guy who just admitted to not being the real Jimmmy, but uses the name anyway, then proceeds to know the real Jimmy.... You were saying what about full trolling?
  15. I will say this as a side note.... No matter what you see of Chael in the media, he has been a legit cool guy off camera. He has been very supportive of Oregon State wrestling.... I've talked with him several times and he couldn't be a nicer guy. Just my experience with him.
  16. Agree... I dont' think Volk gets his due. He has wrestled a tough schedule. I have seen a little bit of inconsistency this year in his performances, but that pretty much sums up the whole 125lb bracket. He's a guy I could see making a jump next year into a top tier of 125lbers.
  17. Yeah, I could see that - especially with the follow-up part.
  18. The guy was an assistant coach and his son was the one on bottom wrestling.
  19. Well if you are an Indiana fan you have been through a lot. Weak? No. You just don't understand the correlation of all your posts all of the sudden matched with the history of Jimmy....then coming in and asking about Jimmy. Now you know and now we can carry on.
  20. Yeah, I am not sure why Chael is saying he does not appear to hit him... not sure what his angle is there.
  21. This happened this weekend... at my kids high school.... a friend of ours was wrestling on the mat next to this match. He does in fact hit him several times - Here is a better video. He has received a lifetime ban from coaching. He also has been banned from athletic events for this year and next. There is still a police investigation going on. He will be charged with assault I am sure.
  22. Exactly....
  23. The real Jimmy Cinnabon was on the old board. As many have pointed out from the very beginning on the new board, this Jimmy Cinnabon is not the same. He's Jimmy Cinnabon 2 or Fauxbon. At the rate you have been posting topics....hmmmm
  24. It's probably a game called Goal Ball
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