I would love to see more tri meets and quads - saves a ton of money on travel for smaller/mid programs, gets more matches in one date and a nice fan experience.
I don't have data in front of me, but I would guess that more significant injuries pile up in a tournament. I know there has been more of a focus on rest since it's such a long season.... perhaps more rest and less tourneys go hand in hand. I also think teams may be moving away from the idea that more matches makes you better prepared - Penn State seems to focus on practice and less matches.
agree - easier to stay in cardio shape with those injuries than being able to get on the mat. A month until Big12s. Those shoulder holes look pretty gnarly - hard to tell if they could even get them stitched.
Not all of those wounds look like "threw a bong at him"... that shoulder looks like he was stabbed with it. Three major injury areas... hope he won the fight. Lots of stitches but we are far enough out for those to heal for conference.
They have been wrestling great and Coleman has definitely breathed some life into the program. I think they have 3 guys they can depend on to score some points and get on the podium .... Fix, Olejnik and Plott. The rest seem to be dabbling on the fringe in that 12-16 area, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't peak and sneak in at a 7/8. I don't think they finish 2nd...but I definitely think they have a better tournament than what we have seen in recent years.
"In one of these situations, a takedown should have been awarded as control was established beyond reaction time. In another situation, a takedown was awarded and then withdrawn after video review and conference with the assistant official. To be clear, reaction time should not have been the determining factor in the awarding of a takedown in either situation."
Hmmm.... I wonder who he is talking about.
Schultz has been very beatable this season....someone who matches his size and can do the bear dance with him for 7. minutes puts themselves in a position to win.