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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. Things have changed at NPR. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/3551625-the-time-has-come-defund-the-hopelessly-biased-npr/
  2. As you can imagine, not enough NIL money for my likeness.
  3. I’d argue bowlers are no better today than 75 years ago.
  4. Seems like you’d need a Time Machine to compare. Brutes from the past would probably inflict a world of hurt on today’s guys if the refs allowed it.
  5. I’m open to learning both sides, but whew that’s painful to read. Where do these “journalists” learn their craft? Imagine their personalities at family gatherings?
  6. When was this taken? McKee went 2-2 and didn’t make the medal round.
  7. The way things are trending, all the finalists will get a Hodgelet for their accomplishment and younger fans will rejoice. A new social score award will emerge.
  8. - reached 500 million + total active users - released new features in the shortest time period in Twitter's history - became the most downloaded & #1 news app - improved ad relevance - removed child porn - more output with less staff - reduced bots, scams & hate speech - improved engagements for advertisers - exposed truth via Twitter files - removed censorship - all time high daily users - restored free speech - reduced child sexual exploitation - community notes debunking propaganda & misstatements - launched Twitter Blue globally - introduced verified badges for company accounts - creator monetization & Twitter payments in making - open source code for recommended tweets next week
  9. I had to look. https://www.ebay.com/itm/285132731735?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ZEuwlAbZQ6e&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=yRJj9UWKS3-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  10. You’re not trying hard enough. An example of Sportsmanship is Bo Nickal helping guys get up after he sticks their a$$. An example of Heart would be Spencer Lee winning his 4th title without ACL’s.
  11. Is KOT going up to 174 next year?
  12. He had a loss but so did Yanni. How many pins did Brooks end up with?
  13. Ness has the school record of 73. Bo Nickal had 82 if I did the math right. Cael had 61. I couldn’t find Spencer Lee’s total. He might hold the first period pin record.
  14. https://www.win-magazine.com/hodge-trophy-fan-vote-results/
  15. Didn’t you assume the Covid cancellation was a guaranteed win for Lee and Iowa? I’ll give Steveson the same guarantee. 3 titles. Yes the riding point was just for fun.
  16. When you think that way, lots of what if scenarios appear. Steveson was 3 days and a riding time point from being a 4-timer.
  17. Steveson wasn’t a pinner. Never came close to losing after his true freshman season. I can’t recall how many TDs he gave up. Lee gave up TDs, backpoints, was pinned more than once. Great no doubt, but I think saying we’ll never see another as dominant is questionable.
  18. Steveson would like a word.
  19. Yeah you don’t believe that. The whole leak was probably designed to distract Americans from the latest crisis. Banking meltdown?
  20. Is this where the golf handicap comes from?
  21. Hodge didn’t win the Hodge? Next you’ll be telling me Heisman didn’t win a Heisman.
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