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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. I think part of the reason for PSUs success is they’ve developed a method of signaling strategy without showing their lips. Contrast that with the Brands’ for example, who crudely yell out strategy and point fingers for all to hear and see.
  2. Steveson might still go which bumps Kerk to the bottom bracket.
  3. X has overtaken Twitter on Trends. Threads still barely registering.
  4. I think we’ll be surprised when X becomes much more than a social media site.
  5. Maybe there will be a wholesale change of who the advertisers on X will be. For every Disney there is a Home Depot.
  6. We tried to fight it.
  7. I thought she may have finally traded her Tesla, but she really doesn’t have many good choices. https://www.businessinsider.com/aoc-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-tesla-union-made-ev-2023-9?amp
  8. Butane lighters for fire allowed?
  9. I don’t think there’s a connection between love/hate of Musk and EV maker of choice. Case in point AOC.
  10. I like/dislike songs delivered via Discovery Weekly & Release Radar to coach it somewhat. I’ve started using the AI DJ which has underwhelmed me.
  11. 2802 artists 6150 songs 40,906 mins Top Artist : Steely Dan
  12. The poop map stole the show.
  13. He can’t even answer the final light hearted question.
  14. Did Newsom’s father actually leave California for Florida?
  15. Agree. Hannity could be tougher on both of them. Newsom won’t answer a question.
  16. How about this rag? CNN - Disney is in trouble. Bob Iger has 5 big problems to solve https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/11/08/media/disney-iger-uncertainty-earnings-preview/index.html
  17. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/aug/2/disney-is-quickly-falling-out-of-favor-with-americ/ Inside Disney’s dramatic downward spiral as Americans increasingly shun the Mouse House
  18. He’s trying to drive the price of Disney down as he prepares for a leveraged buyout.
  19. I’d prefer to see the unethical behavior punished rather than match it.
  20. I suspect everyone knows that, but doesn’t make the same impact.
  21. “Instead, two Capitol Hill Democrats have told POLITICO that they view the politics on the issue as fixed, so the prospect of going on offense is all risk and no reward. In general, they are comfortable defending the president, but not his son. And some don’t just abstain from the debate. Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) called the first son “a disturbed man” who “may have very well done some improper things.” And Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) told ABC News in August that the president’s son “did a lot of really unlawful and wrong things.” Nadler and Raskin are the top Democrats on committees involved in the Republicans’ impeachment probe. Hunter Biden’s team finds this troubling. “Intentionally or not, they’re betting on the political expediency of sacrificing Hunter,” said the friend who spoke to POLITICO.” https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/28/hunter-biden-legal-strategy-00127787
  22. Over 65% of the population suspect the feds provoked the riot. That was April. The percentage is likely higher now. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/biden_administration/j6_videos_65_now_suspect_feds_provoked_riot
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