It is probably true that I am confused but @Wrestleknownothing obviously knows nothing and @Jimmy Cinnabon is a pastry yet they both continue to post over & over again so as @VakAttack would obviously sa "I rest my case."
No because Y has wrestled & lost and Lee hasn't wrestled but the season already started without him. It won't hurt to bump him to #1 after first match & we know them knees are good.
If ^^ ain't good enough 4ya the all I can say is:
No, the season has started Lee isn't wrestling, he can be #1 when he starts wrestling and beats someone. Yianni is 0-1, maybe he tore 2 acls & a shoulder? He can be #1 after he beats someone.
Nah ... but not Yianni over Gomez. What would be wrong with Milner for now, it'll all work out in the end.
Also Lee should not be ranked until he actually wrestles.