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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Next time we need to elect a Speaker let's hold it in CHA in front of 14k hawkeye wrestling fans. Guarantee they'd be done and out of there inside 3 hours.
  2. Pretty sure DQ'd for stalling well before this move.
  3. Well @flyingcement lives a lot closer to the ocean than I do so ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. I agree with @airborneconcrete and @burrinrighthip on these points.
  5. Also, how would these seeds change if the bow & arrow were emediately deemed illegal as of today? I trust Wkn to give us the updated seeds.
  6. Woods is evidently injured not wrestling now so don't think he can be a 2 seed.
  7. and that is why most folks use the drive-thru at Chick-fil-A.
  8. Still worried about our underground friends. Has a new ice age hit the Minnesoda and they are trapped beneath? Has the hamster flu spread to the larger rodents? Is there a new variant of Govid? Did their Uber driver dump em off in Lake Michigan? Did wild cats chase em into Indiana? Please tell us you are ok!
  9. Is there a better wrestling name than Yahya?
  10. That'd be a pin with SHP's new rule.
  11. Does anyone really understand why the B10 needs to take a "halftime" break? There's no halftime in wrestling! Especially when on the b10+ and no commercials. Do the second 5 guys get tired of watch the first 5 and need to take a nap, is it a union contract thing?
  12. Something a bit more than this: Phelps eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? For breakfast, he had three fried egg sandwiches, with cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, fried onions and mayonnaise, followed by three chocolate-chip pancakes. That was not all, after sandwiches and pancakes, it was time for a five-egg omelette, three sugar-coated slices of French toast, a bowl of grits, and two cups of coffee to wash down everything. However, on the way to training if he felt like having anything more he would stop and have a go. For lunch, he would have half-kilogram of pasta, two large ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread smothered with mayonnaise, and another set of energy drinks. Whereas for dinner, add a pound of pasta with carbonara sauce, a large pizza, and energy drinks. This would make up around 10,000 calories a day which should ideally feed five average men a day!
  13. Someone needs to wake up our form rodents, I fear they may be missing this.
  14. ionel

    Flo :(

    but how are the commercials?
  15. Pick me up on your way over and we'll head up to Wkn's place.
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