Why stop withe the Electorial College, we should:
1) all be allowed to elect Senators and Representatives by national popular vote. We get a lot of bad congress critters because bad states elect stupid people. By allowing everyone to vote we can elect the best 100 Senators and 500 Representatives. We should be unbound by what has been and our congress should have no state alliance.
2) congress should only draft legislation, we the people will vote directly by popular vote for which legislation we wish to pass.
3) we should have an app for voting and be able to vote at least once any time we want, unbound by what has been.
4) if we have the above then we don't need a President or VP so Tim Walz can step aside forthwith. If some are attacking our country or crossing our border We The People can vote with our app whether to allow or fight by popular democratic decision.
5) we should also be allowed to vote in local elections regardless of state or region etc. What happens in NY & CA affects me so we all should be able to use or voting app to democratically elect officials in local races.
6) as such with (5) above we no longer need state boundaries, why be bound by what has been.
Taxation without representation is such an old outdated slogan.
Tim is correct: we don't need no stinking Republic!