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Everything posted by ionel

  1. True but Smith coulda/shoulda/woulda been. He won Fr, So, Jr then the probation year off and rsSr year. I think it would've been easier for him to win true Sr year.
  2. In an ideal world everyone would be accountable and do their best to root out excess and improve efficiency thus needing no oversight. If you've never done work in government or associated with you probably don't understand what goes on. In just grant work everybody pads their proposal by 30% because they know the granting agency is going to cut the approved budget by 30%. If there's a hard max cap on projects you write a proposal with budget equal to the max. Well ok not exactly let's say max is $1M you make sure you budget is $987k.
  3. Don't see why. If congressmen & women (notice plural both parties & genders) had credible evidence they should have removed him from congress.
  4. Have you attended wOSU before? Appears all but floor are GA tickets, just show up early and no issues?
  5. "credibly accussed" is that a new legal standing of guilt in the US? Was there a trial which decided it was "credible?" I'm not in favor of Gaetz for this appointment but c'mon there have to be some better fact based arguments.
  6. Well ok sure we were warned we'd be getting pop up ads covering the whole page making reply, quote, etc functions unusable but were we warned about what type/content ads? For ~three days straight (ended yesterday I think) I was getting nothing but wolf ads related to the wolf re-introduction program. Everytime I opened up a new thread a wolf would be jumping out of a cage at the bottom of the page toward me. Now Bob & Du might think they are cute but my first nightmare as a middle school kid was about a wolf in our back yard. I feel may have a suit against Bob & Du for my therapy bills. Know what I dreamt about last night? Wolves, I was surrounded by black wolves ... don't know how it ended.
  7. I'll be Utah V on Fri (first of the new era) and then Oregon St with son on Sunday.
  8. You'll be there too ... both duals?
  9. ahh ... OSU is Pendleton' Alma Mater.
  10. What could be wrong with being transparent? Yes we know the Vak answer. https://www.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-said-launch-leaderboard-170727204.html
  11. Elections have consequences ... get over it. The people spoke.
  12. Trump first asked Vak but he declined for unknown reasons.
  13. Maybe Trump is being clever here. Nominate someone you know won't be approved so the guy/gal you really want has an easier time confirmation.
  14. Confirmation hearings are gonna be spicy!
  15. Well for a 100+ years we've been asked to just assume that whatever some bureaucrat with no real world or business experience says they need for funding is true, realizing all they know is more tax payer dollars is better. How refreshing it should be to have someone who understands efficiency and can easily recognize where the fat is.
  16. https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/74/virginia-tech/43/missouri
  17. If you showed up wearing a Mexico bandana he just might.
  18. Because the left wing media kept missing the term so some adopted it as a badge of honor. But when the left uses it its TDS.
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