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Everything posted by BerniePragle

  1. I'll try if I don't fall asleep. There's enough here already to confuse an old man.
  2. Set up 2 bedroom TVs, with Rokus, in the living room. (Re)Activated ESPN+. 3 TVs, 1 laptop, 1 tablet, 1 phone ready to go. Extra food cooked to warm up. Ice cream in freezer. I'm freakin' ready.
  3. "The better part of valor is discretion." -Billy Shakespeare (And, it worked!)
  4. No, it wasn't easy. Yianni made a mistake early and dug the hole deeper for a while trying to catch up. Then he pretty much waved the white flag for the last minute +. Not taking anything away from Gomez, but the final score wasn't an indication of the match. On the plus side, neither guy was backing up, stalling. No 1-1 OT BS. It was a good match to watch. I'd also like to see a real rematch, however if Gomez were 100%, it would probably be 2-1 or so because Yianni would be very careful. Not the type of match I like to watch.
  5. I would think there are a lot of good students at the Service Academies. They don't accept dummies.
  6. Allow me to help you out: Trump : Whining :: Cael Sanderson : NCAA Wrestling (Note : means "is to", :: means "as") I didn't narrow the whining down to just the election results. Can you imagine living next to Trump when he was a kid and playing a ball game against him? I suspect that wasn't a pleasant experience, although he was probably sheltered from such proletariat activities. Maybe if he had interacted with "us" a little more and got his azz kicked when he was a jerk, we wouldn't have the jackass we have today. Who knows... nature, nurture? “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.” ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
  7. I watched about the first round and a half of the draft. It looked like you guys had a good time. I couldn't keep up when it started, let alone after 2+ hrs. Glad I didn't get in, with me it in would have taken 2 days and someone would have had to wake me up a few times. That Mr. @MPhillips was talkin' some crap before it started, lol. Well played gents.
  8. I have a suggestion that I think would make 133 more interesting to watch at the NCAAs (for me anyway)... You know how they have those straps they put on arm wrestlers when their hands keep slipping off? In order that opponents of that offensive machine Bravo-Young cannot back up and prevent engagement, I suggest Bravo-Young and his opponent be strapped together at the waist not more than 3 feet apart. This should ensure that Bravo-Young keeps adding to his amazing takedown ratio vs opponents.
  9. Agree. I don't know how you game plan for Andonian. It did seem like O'Conner had a plan though, but Andonian looked off, rusty. I'm not gonna be in the kitchen fixing a sandwich when/if that one happens.
  10. AKA, The best defense is a good offense.
  11. This all makes sense. Who is this guy posting under Jimmy's screen name?
  12. If Scott can't get Lewan to wrestle in the second round, I'm not sure anyone can. Scott doesn't often go 1-1, 2-2 OT.
  13. As always, very cool. Now we see how good of a job the seeding people did (and the various ranking people). I don't understand the scoring system much at all. Will it be easy to separate out the bonus points going forward, or would it still require looking at every individual match in the tournament? (Obviously a ton of work and not really sure of the value.) BTW, 3 ACC teams in top 11. Cool.
  14. "Deadlines and commitments..." -Bob Seger "Don't Blink" -Casey Beathard and Chris Wallin
  15. Testify. And if necessary, we create problems to solve or not solve. I always loved the line in the Bond movie "Licence to Kill". Bond is up in the office of the bad guy with the lizard on his shoulder. A bunch of the bad guy's henchmen are around. Bad guy asks Bond what he's doing on his island. Bond says looking for a job. Bad guy says you would need skills I don't already have. Bond looks around at the henchmen and says that shouldn't be too hard. Bad guy asks Bond what skills he has. Bond says I help people with problems. Bad guy says, so you're a problem solver. Bond says "No, more of a problem eliminator". Great line. I worked with lots of problem creators, some problem solvers, and dang few problem eliminators.
  16. Oh, no. Thanks for the kind offer, but I really can't commit to being there for sure. Have fun!
  17. Thanks for making the spreadsheet viewable. If things work out, I'll be watching from the cheap seats.
  18. My best friend in college had two boys who wrestled in HS and college. He always said wrasslin and I laughed everytime. Probably if I hadn't laughed, he wouldn't have said it that way. A couple of oldies... I always hated it when someone would holler "Get to your base" when some kid had 240 lbs of opponent laying on him. Same thing when someone had double legs in on him with a high ride. You want to holler back "How the hey is he gonna do that?" I also hated when someone would yell "Run it" when the top man was trying to take the near arm up and over (head in armpit). My 202x pet peeve is those damn bricks. Also, the 1-1, 2-2 OT snoozefests. These are usually preceded by the 3 minute waltz first period.
  19. @Wrestleknownothing Well, I never... I'm sure I'm setting myself up for a PTF (palm to forehead) moment, but WTF is FS? Is that that fashion school Mrs You-Know Who attended?
  20. If it makes them any quicker, I'll split it with you. Maybe even better, we pay the Mongolians (Mongols?) to steal those damn bricks.
  21. My reaction time just ain't what it used to be.
  22. Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind's made up. I'm more of a Tommy Hearns fan than a Ray Leonard fan. What was that your Dad said about Statistics?
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