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Everything posted by Tripnsweep

  1. "Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"
  2. He was only allowed to declare bankruptcy in those cases on the condition that he stop running the company he caused to go bankrupt.
  3. “If you support terrorism, including the slaughtering of innocent men, women, and children, your presence is contrary to our national and foreign policy interests, and you are not welcome here,” Trump wrote. So maybe he should follow his own words regarding Ukraine.
  4. If Trump was serious about fighting crime why would he do this? https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2025-03-08/trump-justice-department-fires-head-of-organized-crime-drug-task-force
  5. When we had the BLM folks around here throwing stuff at cops and blocking traffic, or forcing a showdown with the police at a street festival, I was against it. There was a protest near my house because the local police shot an armed robber in the back and let him bleed out. They blocked traffic and got themselves arrested. If you're going to protest then don't do dumb stuff. The armed robber's cousin actually threatened me because I mocked him online for saying "armed robber's lives matter". So my position on this doesn't change, I may not like what somebody is saying, but when they cross the line of breaking stuff or blocking traffic, I think there's far more constructive things they could do. I would only say doing that in extreme examples is something to consider, like something that threatens everyone's health or safety.
  6. So when will we get to our All Scientology team?
  7. So what law did he break?
  8. If they were illegal why weren't the police called and people arrested? Just because somebody is saying things you don't like doesn't make it illegal.
  9. Apparently you have trouble reading.
  10. Has he been charged with a crime? Have the police asked him to leave and if he refused then had him trespassed? Columbia University is not a public university, so he is not on public property. If Columbia decides they want him gone, they can call the police and have him escorted away. So until he is charged with a crime, this is a blatant first amendment violation.
  11. Just so everyone is aware. That was not from anybody recently. That was from Republican congressman Tom McClintock speaking about the actions of President Obama in 2014.
  12. Then if he has been breaking the law why haven't the police handled it?
  13. So apparently the first amendment is only valid if you say nice things about Trump or things he supports. I personally don't like the Palestinians protest messaging, but it's their right to do it.
  14. Don't keep your brother waiting in the shower.
  15. One person does not get to make the law in this Republic. The president is called upon to enforce the law. Fundamentally, that means he does not get to pick and choose which laws he'll enforce and which laws he'll ignore. He does not get to pick and choose who must obey the law and who gets to live above the law, and he does not get to change laws or make laws by decree. That is the difference between the American Republic that prides itself on being a nation of laws and not of men and the European despots of old who boasted that the law was in their mouths. – Fortunately, the American Founders anticipated that someday a president might attempt to subvert the Constitution in this manner and they provided a variety of defenses available to both the legislative and the judicial branches. – Since our earliest days, the Supreme Court has guarded our nation from unconstitutional acts by both the legislative and executive branches, and that role is desperately needed now. I believe there's no substitute for Congress doing everything within its power to invoke judicial intervention. I cannot believe that even the most devoted (REPUBLICANS) on the bench can be comfortable with this brazen act of usurpation. Assuming the court stands with the Constitution, the president would have no choice but to back down or face a catastrophic public and congressional backlash. Whether we choose to recognize it, this is a full-fledged constitutional crisis. If allowed to stand, this precedent renders meaningless the separation of powers and the checks and balances that comprise the fundamental architecture of our Constitution. If it stands, every future president, Republican and Democrat, will cite it as justification for lawmaking by decree. The seizure of legislative authority by the executive is fatal to a Republic such as ours. Indeed it was Julius Caesar's usurpation of the Roman senate's legislative prerogatives that brought down the Roman Republic and began four centuries of dictatorship. Once the rule of one man is established over the rule of law, it's a very difficult thing to stop. Unlike every law that's passed under our Constitution, the Constitution itself has no penalties for those who break it. The reason is that the Constitution was written to be self-enforcing. But that only happens if the powers of government are evenly balanced. The Founders relied on each branch acting to keep those powers in balance. Now, in our time, that responsibility is ours
  16. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-administration-disbands-two-expert-panels-economic-data-2025-03-05/ It's like they don't want people to see how badly things are going to be.
  17. This was a bad tournament for ASU. Only 3 of their 9 wrestlers won a match and they didn't bring a 174. They brought backups at 141, 149, 184. Really not a good look at all.
  18. Is Kevin Jackson coaching somewhere again?
  19. What about Bob Marella aka Gorilla Monsoon? NCAA champion in the 50's and could not just speak but sing in Italian.
  20. I don't think you can transfer more than once.
  21. Not being sued is probably Art's priority.
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