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Everything posted by JimmyCinnabon

  1. My immediate response was, “no.” This is definitely a Jimmy style post, though.
  2. I thought I had seen brackets but they must have been mock brackets.
  3. I didn't even see this dude in the brackets for 86kg.
  4. How can Dake be past his peak? Doesn't he claim to have the Benjamin Buttons disease? Maybe he's before his peak now?
  5. If he is supporting the invasion of Ukraine by Russia then I have mixed feelings. First, F him for supporting this however if he doesn't publicly support it then he may fall out of a window which is an epidemic in Russia. I think Russian athletes are in an impossible position because of Putin so it's hard to judge how sincere his beliefs are on this.
  6. I have to admit this thread title made me laugh.
  7. Another thread bashing Iowa. As the Earth spins and the sun rises my friend.
  8. We are still arguing about this? I think us message board warriors care way more about this than Carter and JB do. They're going to wrestle in a couple of week or they aren't. This whole thing is such a contrived nothingburger.
  9. As much as I would love to see Sammy make a return and if a PSU guy cannot win I'd root for him. However I just don't see him being able to come back and be successful after what happened and the fact that he is still not wrestling or seems to be even close to getting back on the mat.
  10. I don't see any way Salazar makes 174lbs. He looked like a giant 184lber this past year.
  11. Baschmania isn’t a wrestling podcast. It’s a religious podcast that interviews wrestlers about their faith. If you’re looking for a religious podcast it’s a good one I guess. If you’re looking for a wrestling podcast it is terrible.
  12. What if I had given you five guesses?
  13. I am just one guy doing my part.
  14. My brother did not wrestle his sophomore year of high school because he was too small. He wrestled junior high in 9th grade at 70lbs. He went something like 24-0 and won his section. The next year as a sophomore he was too small to wrestle 103lbs. He literally could not gain enough weight to meet the minimum. And then his junior year he would have to drink tons of water in order to be able to get up to required lowest weight allowed to wrestle 103lbs. Even as a senior he did not have to cut weight to wrestle 103lbs. He is 44 years old and to this day is still 115lbs soaking wet at 5'6". If my brother had the choice to repeat a year in order to get bigger so he could wrestle he would have laughed in the face of anyone who would suggest it. There was a zero percent chance he was going to leave his all of his friends in his grade behind to wrestle. Of course my brother was not a world class talent so maybe the would have changed things.
  15. Man people are already trying to rewrite history in regards to Carter. Neither Carter or Steiber had lackluster careers. Both of them were absolutely dominant and feared.
  16. Mickey Phillippi would like a word with you, outside in the alley.
  17. I don't think Carter being a 5X champ would change where I rank him. Frankly I do not see it as a bigger accomplishment than being a 4Xer. Does anything think any of the other 4Xers would have failed to secure a 5th title if they were given the opportunity? Outside of some extenuating circumstance such as a major injury or illness I believe every 4Xer would win a 5th if they had an extra year of eligibility. EDIT - I will say that I do not believe Carter is coming back but if he did and he wins he will be the greatest 5X champ ever. No cap.
  18. I certainly don't hold it against Steiber for losing to Zain. Even freshman Zain was super good. When dealing with the 4Xers it's just so hard to find a reason to rank one guy above another outside of Cael. You could even argue that Dake lost the second most matches of all the 4Xers so he should be ranked lower. Again, it's splitting hairs outside of the 159-0 guy. Everyone is going to have a different small detail they use to justify their order.
  19. That's fair. Bo Nickal may just be a terribly stupid person.
  20. Oh, there is evidence to this. I don't want to turn the board political but there is certainly evidence to his intellectual dishonesty.
  21. I did not think Tom looked like he was going to cry. I mean, not even close. Believe it or not there is a lot of parity in college wrestling. I know that sounds stupid on the surface because PSU is so far ahead of everyone. However, after PSU there is just parity. I think Iowa has still been the second best program since Cael got to Penn State but it's pretty clear that a lot of other programs are now closing the gap with Iowa or have closed the gap with Iowa. I enjoyed the interview because I like how Tom Brands is more candid than most in interviews. I like Tom as a coach and person to be honest and I do think he is still the second best head coach in the sport.
  22. Bo Nickal is an intellectually dishonest person. I wouldn't take a single thing the guy says seriously.
  23. I don't understand hating wrestlers. The amount of time and work these guys have to put in to wrestle at that level is insane. I don't dislike a single NCAA wrestler.* Daton Fix seems like a good dude. It kind of got me when he said wrestlers are people too and talked about all the hate he gets which I think gets to him because he understandably doesn't get why people just hate him for no good reason. People can hate the style a wrestler has or something but these are actual people here and if the worst thing you know about them is that they wrestle a boring style and you hate them because of that I think you need to grow up. * You would have to do something outrageous for me to dislike you as a wrestler. Maybe you commit crimes or you flip off the whole crowd like a maniac or something. You know, the extreme examples.
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