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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. I suspect your fact-checking was faulty.
  2. As the forensic coroner in MiB...
  3. I didn't try to cite a nonpartisan post for this volley. Nobody is going to say, "BOO!" about SS/Medicare these days. The trap was set and triggered and it's, once again, the third rail of politics.
  4. I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  5. s/Biden/Trump/g
  6. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/09/fact-sheet-congressional-republicans-many-proposals-to-cut-social-security-and-medicare-and-increase-prescription-drug-prices-and-health-care-premiums/
  7. I took a simpler approach after working at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and watching the ever present financial shenanigans. Stock index funds with very low management fees over time are hard to beat. I have a bunch of startup stock from my last company that I am loathe to cashout until the market rebounds. We have a target exit price but the waiting is killing me.
  8. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/computer-science/falsifiability
  9. After Sochi, see also the movie Icarus, I'm fine with them being banned for a couple of quads.
  10. Next up, Alexandria, Egypt. https://uww.org/article/ibrahim-moustafa-ranking-series-entry-list
  11. This is actually on point here. Commercial and political interests have routinely bent science to fit their needs.
  12. Went skiing, hurt my knee, return to find this thread at 4 pages longer. lol Simulation theory has the problem that it is tough to falsify, making it fraught from a scientifically theoretical standpoint.
  13. Your seeming support for 'teaching the controversy' around the age of the earth. How about you put forth an alternative to a scientific theory that you think should merit equal time in science class.
  14. You don't see the difference between, "New twitter moderation sucks" and "Old twitter moderation was illegal and people should be prosecuted" ?
  15. You keep trying to put things forward that are not scientific theories. Every post you make confirms that you do not understand what a scientific theory is.
  16. You clearly do not understand what a scientific theory is.
  17. NFHS weights take the Gaussian distribution of wrestlers over the weight range and then try to evenly apportion them over the number of weights.
  18. Do you know what replaces a dominant scientific theory? A different theory that better explains the observed data. Show me a better explanation for the age of the earth than the current theory.
  19. I'd like to see you defend this statement.
  20. I've worked in the automotive industry. Nothing would surprise me.
  21. People can complain about how someone runs a website. That's opinion. Stating that the previous people violated the law by running it the way they wanted, without ever citing the theoretically violated statute, is what's wrong.
  22. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/resource-library-age-earth https://www.livescience.com/21491-what-is-a-scientific-theory-definition-of-theory.html
  23. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/theory-evolution
  24. There is no other scientific theory with as much supporting evidence as evolution.
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