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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. Seems like he either doesn’t like cutting weight or it is just too big a pull. Either way, why completely kill any enjoyment he has for the sport. This is a sport people. You should do it because you like to do it. Let’s find more ways for young people to start to like the sport and then keep their enjoyment levels high!! Those pushing hard / demoralizing weight cuts should reassess.
  2. Well, that sucks. Parallel ride is fine it seems. Double boots and just drive down to mat is fine. Seriously, WTF?
  3. It is illegal in HS. I kinda wince each time I see it applied in College.
  4. Stream held. But WAY too many commercials. Breaks were too long. Need to move these things along.
  5. Really wanted to see Vito separate. Great match. Cornella looked great there. Multiple TDs, strong ride. Think this flash TD rule from rear standing is going to change?
  6. Ungar down. Third. Release. 4-3. Courtney gets behind, scramble to mat. 2 called as OOB. Is this a flash 2 with hand hitting mat? Seems like it. Yup. 6-3. Optional. That is a clear push out stall by Courtney. Lifted him up and pushed out. Stupid. CALL STALLING ON TOP!! 6-4. Courtney has RT. U shot, C counter attack. Nada. Acrobatics but no more score. 7-4 win for Courtney.
  7. Courtney with TD in first and reversal in 2nd. 4-1 lead. Riding in second. Jones wants to release. Optional start. But doesn’t release. Again. But now cuts. 4-2. Ungar in. Can’t convert. So close. Good D by Courtney. Going to third.
  8. Ungar doing nothing from feet. Stall was deserved and late. Should be called earlier.
  9. Shultz is preventing centering. That is stalling.
  10. Fernandez - senior at 21 yrs old. Shultz - Sophomore at 22 yrs old. Comical.
  11. Ref needs to call stalling on Fagen on feet. Stalling calls on feet were needed in last match too. Cardenas up 5-2 going to third. Fagen down. Being ridden. RT locked. Ends 6-2 with ride out.
  12. What is that stache on Fagen? Looks like he has some poo smeared on his upper lip.
  13. Montalvo v Hatcher - started with a bam - 6 pts for Montalvo. But now a snooze. Ok. Write that and Hatcher gets a TD. 8-4 Montalvo. 5-8 with stalling against Montalvo. Montalvo is ranked 19? Montalvo, ASU, wins 8-5.
  14. Yea, I ended up thinking about that. Wondered about the application, can rest low and apply, but figure person will still find a way to roll over. Good point.
  15. I’m likely naive —- but on the arm bar question …. Seems like a place to make someone tap - turn into chicken wing, go hard against the shoulder joint. Dislocate shoulder or get a tap? Never seen it in MMA. Could it work?
  16. Wonder if the ‘grind’ would fell less crappy if we just went to mat side weigh-ins. Take the crappiest part of wrestling - the hard weight cuts - out of the picture. I’m no doctor but it might also help prevent injuries - less stress on body. Sorry - don’t mean to derail. But thought it was related.
  17. I remember (vaguely) an interview with Logan Steiner where he was asked about how he spends his day. Talked about practice and playing video games. This was during college. I recall being floored by the lack of academic work during the day. Figured he had few credits and what he had were easy classes. Perhaps RBY is in a similar situation? Back to main topic - 9th year? A perversion of the system. Comically sad. Why even have any rules around it if this is ok? Ridiculous.
  18. Agreed - if the situation is that they would have to lie on a signed form to the NCAA, well, I can see it being a no go. But damn, their handling of the public discussion is a major failure and a black eye. Calls their truthfulness into question. Makes them look like slimy. Frankly, it kinda makes no sense if it all comes down to the issue mentioned above. Such a disconnect that I can’t help to think that there is more to the situation. But that is pure ignorant speculation.
  19. Anyone have a copy of the NPO waiver? For those writing in favor of Wisconsin signing the form in a manner that would allow him to compete this year …. …. Can you say, in an informed and truthful way, that Wisconsin would not have to lie in order to sign the form? If the person signing the form, likely overseen by compliance department, would have to lie, this is an issue. If this is the crux of it, ok. But Wisconsin and Bono in particular have handled this in such a misleading and confusing way it is staightup pitiful.
  20. Flo is doing a crap job by not going into some of the details of what a NPO waiver is and what it means to sign one. If the posts above are correct and aren’t leaving out important details, then this aspect seems to be damn important.
  21. From Flo article “At this point in the process, the only thing that could be done to allow Kyle to compete would be for Wisconsin to agree to a no participation opportunity waiver,” Nebraska executive AD for compliance Jamie Vaughn said. “That’s the only thing left for him now. We’ve exhausted the other possibilities with the NCAA’s waiver processes.” Do we agree that the first part of this statement is correct? (Wisconsin needs to agree to the no participation opportunity waiver) Has Wisconsin stated why they won’t sign it? I’m lost - hoping someone can get me up to speed.
  22. I have not followed this in gory detail but I’ll chime in anyway … One must believe that Bono has compliance advisors that support Wisconsin athletics. He very likely knows exactly what the rules are and the NCAA guidance. I think it highly unlikely that he is ‘confused.’ Those saying this is on Wisconsin staff / admin are, in my opinion, disingenuous. The coach has a lot of say in this and would not be defending Wisconsin’s actions if he felt differently about how it is being handled. Really seems like this is going to burn Bono and WI wrestling. I’m not sure of the facts so can’t take a strong stance on the situation.…. but …. Importantly, the overall buzz and public opinion is really turning against Bono. Ugly reputation hit in the court of public perception.
  23. Thank you. Seems like many threads nowadays lack actual results. I appreciate it.
  24. So says you. They’ve discussed this multiple times over the years. Difficulty in applying the situations has been discussed as part of the problem.
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