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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. Where does Flo state their rankings don’t have subjective aspects to it? They constantly debate their own rankings on FRL, often commenting that they could see how rankings could be moved around for some wrestlers and make sense. Very much acknowledging the subjectivity. They can use the criteria they want. They saw a wrestling match at the all-star meet and thus are including it. Perfectly reasonable. A match is injury defaulted - was the winner up 12-2 at time of default or was the loser up 12-2? Did the default happen 20 seconds in or with 20 seconds left? Did the injury happen early when loser was up 8-1 but the guy kept wrestling and when defaulted was down 9-13? How would all the situations above be included in the ranking considerations? Other situations? Hard to do this consistently across all the various injury defaults — lots of match detail to study. Perhaps they made decision to simplify and simply not count it. Reasonable to me.
  2. There is a portion of society that finds that entertaining. Makes room for a lot of different entertainers to make some $$$.
  3. Ok. Be ridiculous. Your debate style is noted. There was a ton of great wrestling. Amazing performances. I agree. I made several posts about the matches and many with excitement with the performances. I made one post about ZR and his tongue. Another poster came on here and wrote a lengthy post about how my post was wrong. And that I’m on an enemies list (LOL). His opinion is fair. I explained my position. That is all. Now you come on with ridiculous comparisons. Who is trying to turn this into a dead horse beating and continue to discussion for far longer than it needs to? You. You are.
  4. He should be proud of how he wrestled. I’m very impressed. It is too bad he did what he did at the end. I expect even you could be turned off if he got up and grabbed his crotch in the direction of the Iranian team. He didn’t do this. But just getting across there are degrees of professionalism and class. This hypothetical is far far to an extreme. We appear to differ on where to draw the line. My expectation for our wrestlers, when competing against foreign competition, when wrestling fans from around the world have their eyes on you as a representative of the USA and your fellow US athletes, is apparently different than your expectations.
  5. Very cool to see the 92kg gold medalist go up and challenge the 97kg gold medalist. Snyder looked great. Very good win.
  6. Not good. Savad has answered!! 6-4 Iran. 2 TDs and a gut for Savad. 1 min to go. Come in JB. Come on! 40 sec … 30 … 15 and stopped. 1 pt step out and a caution. 6-6. 9 sec. Iran wins. Wow.
  7. Iranian (Savad) controlling the mat vs Burroughs. Burroughs on clock. Savad blocking off well. But then Burroughs gets down to both ankles. And a turn. Right before shot clock expires. 4-0. when will Savad shoot?
  8. What do you call that TD by Firouz? Pretty cool.
  9. That is smart shot clock acting management by Nolf. Firouz on clock again. Even thought it didn’t work in end. TD Firouz while on clock. 1-2. 50 sec. Nolf needs to fire. Need some magic. Fire and miss. 27 sec. Attempted throw by. Nope. Loses.
  10. Firouz D off of ankle pick was pretty cool!
  11. Well, we will call that a bit lucky. Nice burst by the Iranian there. Call in Pants favor. Per the rules. All good. On review - Pant should have put his head down sooner. Glad he finally did but we should know to get head down there right away.
  12. Pantaleo with some real bursts. Love it. 4-1
  13. Pants hands must be super annoying.
  14. Yianni clearly with a better showing. Should feel good about that. Iranian is outstanding.
  15. 4-5. Yianni needs TD - nope.
  16. Yianni getting caught under too often.
  17. Yianni duck was on point!!!!
  18. Many many empty seats. Kinda sad.
  19. He is representing the country. Not his high school. Looked like an idiot.
  20. Well, Yianni doesn’t look completely bored and disinterested like he did for Gomez.
  21. The tongue out of mouth look for Richards is not a good one. To be clear - I mean from an international view of US perspective.
  22. Anyone else having 3-5 second blackouts on the screen during Richards’.match?
  23. No. Is this supposed to be a joke? You think his couch is supernatural?
  24. Ok - everyone, pls start listing out the excuses he is likely to make. Some - I was injured - my dog had just died - some POS waved at me weirdly from the crowd and distracted me - my dad trained me poorly - I lack discipline and commitment (haha, I joke)
  25. Nice. I hope you appreciated my focus on a minor point.
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