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Posts posted by mspart

  1. 16 hours ago, uncle bernard said:

    Let me guess, you don’t actually live in “our” cities. If you actually did, you’d know they’re as safe now as they’ve ever been. 

    Just a bunch of scared, old suburbanites telling ghost stories because they watch too much cable news. 



    Seattle records most homicides in at least 44 years in 2023


    Yes, Portland's homicide count exceeds Seattle and San Francisco combined for the first three months of 2024

    Yep, I am some kind of scared old suburbanite.   But being scared, I see what is happening.   And I can discern that the situation is worse than it was years ago. 


    More Americans See U.S. Crime Problem as Serious

    More than three-quarters of Americans, 77%, believe there is more crime in the U.S. than a year ago, and a majority, 55%, say the same about crime in their local area.

    Yep, I am some kind of scared old suburbanite.   But being scared, I see what is happening.   And so do all the other scared suburbanites and urbanites in the above poll.   There seems to be a conclusion among most Americans that the situation is worse than it was years ago.  Sorry for your loss UB, but there is a reason why so many feel so unsafe.   And that is because crime is only decreasing in comparison to highs in 2020-2022.   But people felt much safer before that time period.   I'll leave it to you to deduce the causes of that. 


    • Bob 1
  2. https://www.saveservices.org/2024/04/lawsuits-by-detransitioners-skyrocket-as-transgender-movement-retreats/

    Lawsuits by Detransitioners Skyrocket as Transgender Movement Retreats

    WASHINGTON / April 15, 2024 – The transgender movement is facing setbacks on multiple fronts (1). Last week a comprehensive review of gender identity services for youth in the United Kingdom concluded (2):

    • “The strengths and weaknesses of the evidence base on the care of children and young people are often misrepresented and overstated.”
    • Thousands of young people received life-altering treatments with “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”
    • “Social justice” ideology is driving medical decision-making, and “the toxicity of the debate” has created an environment “where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views.”

    In 2007 Boston Children’s Hospital opened the first pediatric gender clinic in the United States. The hospital boasted its Gender Multispecialty Service has “expanded our program to welcome patients from ages 3 to 25.” During the following years, trans medicine became a major money-maker, as nearly 9,000 transgender surgeries were performed annually in the United States (3) with a market value of $1.9 billion in 2021 (4).

    Medical treatments for gender dysphoria typically include puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone treatments, and eventually surgery on the genitals and breasts. The Mayo Clinic claims on its website that puberty blockers “don’t cause permanent physical changes. Instead, they pause puberty.” (5)

    But numerous research studies point to the opposite conclusion (6).  A recent study, for example, reveals that puberty blockers for boys cause mild to severe sex gland atrophy, resulting in long-term fertility problems (7)...

    How anyone can countenance this transitioning exercise among minors totally baffles me.   We are supposed to protect our younglings.  Not experiment on them to their irreparable harm.



    • Bob 1
    • Brain 1
  3. You are off point RV.   You are mad at AIPAC because they gave money to Bowman's opposition and Bowman lost.   But you are not made at Soros giving money to people who purposefully undermine the US justice system. 

    Your issue is who is doing the campaign funding.   You like Soros obviously, you don't like AIPAC obviously.  So there is your line.    One undermines US sovereignty by bastardizing the justice system (and I have seen that first hand here in Seattle), the other tries to siphon US dollars to Israel?   I guess you can choose which is more evil.   The choice is that easy.   I choose the US justice system from allowing criminals to get released with no bail, from allowing criminals back on the streets to do more crime, etc.   You get what we had with the Columbia student protesters that took over a building, destroyed part of it, held a janitor hostage, and got nothing from the DA Alvin Bragg.   They obviously broke the law and were not held accountable.   Now we see what happened in LA the other day where Hamas protesters went to a Jewish LA neighborhood, protested in front of the synogogue, and violently assaulted local Jews.  It was so bad even Biden called it out.  But that is what we get when we let this kind of thing go without legal repercussions.   That is what Soros has brought to this country.   AIPAC for all the ill they supposedly do have not done that. 

    The amount of harm wreaked by the DAs funded by Soros far outweighs any benefits he may provide for their reach is vast.   You gave in to my BS I see so it was not BS.   It is well documented what Soros has done. 

    You want this to be about AIPAC.   But you chose to frame it in a campaign funding attack.   I am giving you an example of campaign funding that has far further reach than what AIPAC is doing and it is harming this country. 


    • Bob 2
    • Fire 1
  4. Go ahead and call it.   Too bad it is well documented. 


    The 91-year-old native Hungarian recently published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. In it he argued the “soft-on-crime district attorneys” he’s backed to the tune of millions of dollars are making the criminal justice system “more effective and just….” Soros said he has no intentions of pulling his support from them.


    While America’s political kingmakers inject their millions into high-profile presidential and congressional contests, Democratic mega-donor George Soros has directed his wealth into an under-the-radar 2016 campaign to advance one of the progressive movement’s core goals — reshaping the American justice system.

    The billionaire financier has channeled more than $3 million into seven local district-attorney campaigns in six states over the past year — a sum that exceeds the total spent on the 2016 presidential campaign by all but a handful of rival super-donors.


    Billionaire financier George Soros has spent millions of dollars funding the campaigns of woke District Attorneys who have let criminals run amok with no prosecution in many American cities.

    A study earlier this year found that the 92-year-old spent at least $40million to install as many as 75 prosecutors who support his leftist agenda — either with outright donations or fueled through political action committees.

    These DAs have stripped away bail laws and opted to forgo prosecuting crimes such as theft and reckless driving, effectively giving criminals a free pass and leading to the breakdown of law and order across the United States.

    You will choose to reject these.  That's ok.   Soros has done this.   But you like the undermining of the US and State justice systems.   So Soros' efforts here are good.   AIPAC bad.  You don't mind the demonstrated undermining one aspect of the US but take great umbrage at what you consider the undermining of another.   


  5. Indeed!!   All in fun. 

    List of Stanley cup champs in the last few years;

    2020  Tampa Bay

    2021   Tampa Bay

    2022   Colorado

    2023   Vegas

    2024   Florida

    Colorado has an outside chance of being a hockey state.   It can get cold there.   It just seems incongruous.  U of MN has a hockey team.   Does UCF?   FL State?   UNLV?  Colorado or CO State?   Guessing not.  


  6. So you feel the same about Soros funding DA candidates in local elections?   Yes, money does matter in elections.   But for an incumbent, not near as much as for a challenger.   People voted for Bowman, saw what a clown he is, and voted against him when given an opportunity.   Pulling the fire alarm is relevant, contrary to what you say.   Any idiot knows that the fire alarm is just that.   It is not a door open switch.   It also  was convenient to delay a vote, interrupting an official session of Congress.   You  know, there are people who have been jailed for doing that.  

    So in essence, Soros funding good, AIPAC funding bad.  Bowman is a benefit to US citizens even though he denies clear evidence of Hamas' barbarity on Oct 7.   Even partisans can see what a buffoon he is. 


  7. Are you saying Jamaal "I pulled the fire alarm interrupting a congressional session because I thought it would open a door" Bowman is a benefit to US citizens?   Why isn't George Latimer a benefit to US citizens?    Who are you to tell the voters who they should vote for.   After that stunt Bowman pulled the other day trying to look gangsta and all that, no wonder he got destroyed in the primary.   If Bowman was a great guy he would have won no matter the expenditure.   The guy is a clown and rightfully lost.  


    • Bob 1
    • Fire 1
  8. This debate has a lot at stake, even Ds say so.   If Biden looks as horrible as those on the right say, that he has no mental or physical stamina, then Ds will have to find a new candidate.   That's what this debate has for us.   I think if Trump looks horrible like CNN will no doubt try to do, the Rs have no choice but to go with Trump as he has won most all the primaries.   I guess the delegates could choose someone else but doubtful.   But this is make or break for Biden.   That's why he has taken a full week off of duties to prep for this.   This has never been done in the history of debates.   Biden must need a lot of help if he has to take a full week off.   Now I would do so, just to go to camp david for a whole week.   What a place to go to!!


    • Bob 2
  9. Its like hockey in las vegas.   What the heck is it doing there?   MN yes, I can see that.   WI and MI and ND and Canada.   Yep you can go outside in the winter and play hockey.   Tough to do in FL or NV outside. 

    But congrats to the Panthers on winning the Stanley Cup. 


  10. 38 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

    "What do we do with this?'

    Well, you could start by actually reading the article before assuming it's stupid.

    The gist is that the heating effect of increased carbon in the atmosphere has always been slightly offset by the air pollution caused by those gases. The aerosols in carbon cause darker cloud cover which better blocks the sun. As air pollution is cleaned up, less of the greenhouse effect is offset because the aerosols block less sun which means that the Earth would heat even faster than it has been. 

    So hence our efforts at cleaning up emissions is causing global warming.   So we should stop and pollute the crap out of the atmosphere.   That's what that is saying to me. 


  11. Acceptance is fine.   Accept them.   No need to accept the sterilization and mutilation of minors.   Butchering minors is cruel and inhumane.   It is neither kind nor compassionate. 


  12. Bolt of Jamaica was not boring, at least to me.  That guy was fun to watch.  

    Break dancing, I just don't get that it is thought of as a sport.   The guys that do it are very athletic, but it seems like a thing you do rather than a sport.   Just me. 


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