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Posts posted by mspart

  1. But those are not the very uber smart bureaucrats that braves is talking about.    Those were just some lackeys that made an obvious mistake.   That water looks horrible.   Good thing it wasn't those cracker jack bureaucrats. 


  2. 1 hour ago, braves121 said:

    Serious question you think that taking away regulating agencies such as fda and osha is a good thing for we the people? Because you know what happened before that right? Upton Sinclair does 

    The agencies aren't going away.   But the regulations that are challenged and shown not to comport with actual law will/may be going away.  Big difference. 



    • Bob 2
    • Brain 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, braves121 said:

    I’m sure taking away regulating powers away from industry experts and giving them to people who believe things such as Jewish space lasers and people who were elected without even knowing the 3 branches of government isn’t going to cause massive problems 

    Braves, So what you are saying is that Congress doesn't know what they are doing so the administrative state, who supposedly does know what they are doing, has to create law that Congress never authorized.   That is exactly what SCOTUS objected to. 


    • Bob 3
  4. On 6/28/2024 at 10:04 PM, RockLobster said:

    C'mon mspart. I know you are capable of using Google. Here's a couple links to get you started:


    Trump and Biden's first presidential debate of 2024, fact checked - CBS News

    Looks like a 50-50 split between Biden and Trump. 

    Here's one:  Both candidates erred on Social Security, with Biden incorrectly saying that Trump “wants to get rid” of the program, and Trump falsely alleging that Biden will “wipe out” Social Security due to the influx of people at the border.

    Paying illegals SS money that they have never paid into is unsustainable now that receipts are lower than outlays. 

    Here's another:  Trump overstated how much food prices have risen due to inflation. Prices are up by about 20%, not double or quadruple. 

    Yeah, this was wrong and I caught that right as he said it. 

    Another: Biden repeated his misleading claim that billionaires pay an average federal tax rate of 8%. That White House calculation factors in earnings on unsold stock as income.

    So each man told some fibs.   And plenty of them. 


    • Bob 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Lipdrag said:

    “Right now, Michigan has 104.5% of our state’s voting-age population registered to vote. No photo ID is required to vote. We have no system to tell if someone votes in multiple states and the current secretary of state failed to remove 170,000 names from the voting rolls of people who no longer lived in the state until after she was sued,” 

    The banana republic of Michigan is gaining notoriety at every opportunity.   

    Is there anyone here that disagrees with the assertion that the above should not be the case?  I would think any reasonable person would say this is not right.   Even a 4th grader should be able to see this.  


    • Bob 1
  6. 19 hours ago, nhs67 said:

    If there are 5 people, Wkn is the last one that has shit for brains.

    If there are 500 people, Wkn is the last one that has shit for brains.

    If there are 5,000 people, Wkn is the last one that has shit for brains.

    There isn't 5,000 people that officially peruse these forums.  Ergo, he doesn't have shit for brains.

    Also, I am an enabler.  I will enable the top tier gents either way.

    He only knows nothing about wrestling. 


    • Fire 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, braves121 said:

    This decision opens a can of worms. Trumps lawyers literally argued that political assassinations could be views as official acts so why are you acting that it is an impossibility? Theoretically this does in fact make the president a monarch because he has immunity with “ official acts” Biden could go ahead and have the fbi lock up trump for any reason and say it’s an official act. Biden could say is suspending all elections as an official act. It’s not about R v D it’s about recognizing this is no good lol

    An official act outside the constitution is not an official act.  I think your example is going too far.  A President cannot lock up a person without due process.   A President cannot suspend elections.   Those are extra constitutional and would not be covered by the decision.  If this is incorrect, then this is a bad decision.   I believe this applies to making law by fiat without input from Congress. 


    • Bob 2
  8. They are all liars.   It is in their DNA.   CNN pundits after the debate looked shell shocked.   They obviously believed the drivel and lies handed out by the Biden Admin folks that he was perfectly healthy and able to outwork any of them he is so energetic.   The only one not to look like that was the token R person.   He essentially said, this is what we have been saying forever.   Why is this a revelation to you?   Do your eyes not see anymore?


    • Bob 1
  9. 24 minutes ago, Offthemat said:

    Not too sure where child care lies on the list of most important issues.  Chinese spy balloons, land acquisition, our energy production, military readiness, and such would be more important to me. 

    I don't disagree, but the questions, I thought, were good and made them each think.   Your list of questions would have been good no doubt. 


  10. 18 hours ago, Scouts Honor said:

    but crime is going down

    yep and Biden has more energy that I can keep up with.   Both are lies we are being told by the same people.   Biden's now is provable.   The idea crime is going down is laughable.   I was told my open eyes witnessing Biden's incapacities was deep fake or cheap fake crap.   Well my eyes saw it for a couple of years now and last night, everyone's eyes saw it.   The faces on the CNN panel were hilarious.   Like they had been hit by a train.    Everyone's eyes sees the crime that has risen since George Floyd and we are told crime is going down.   Certainly this store owner does not believe it because this is the 4th time he has been robbed.   https://notthebee.com/article/this-san-francisco-convenience-store-was-ransacked-and-the-first-thing-the-city-did-was-send-them-a-notice-telling-them-they-have-90-days-to-fix-the-damage


  11. I have not read this whole thread but I thought the moderators actually did a good job.   They asked tough questions of both and followed up essentially saying you did not answer the question.   Please do.   Media never does that and it was refreshing to see that.   I thought the questions were fair and I thought they kept the candidates to their time limits.  

    Overall good job by CNN and their moderators.

    Biden looked like what we all expected except those that drank the "he so energetic I can't keep up with him" kool aid.  

    Trump was not especially great either.   I agree with Jonathon Turley that Robert Hur was the winner last night.  He was totally exonerated after the Ds went after him with knives in his back.   Again, the lies were brought into the light and proved lies.  


    • Bob 3
  12. 12 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    The weirdest thing about this whole thing (and there is a LOT of weird) is...

    How do debates between two people work when one depends on a steady stream of lies, while the other uses truth for his material.

    Imagine your high school debate team competing against an opponent who debates with a stream of lies.

    I heard after debate that all Trump did was lie.   But they say this and never were specific in what he lied about, just assuming that everyone listening to them believes as they do.  

    Being specific, please state the lies that were said in the debate.   


    • Bob 1
    • Brain 2
  13. 1 hour ago, uncle bernard said:

    Can we stop pretending this is about protecting kids? It's about you thinking being trans is wrong and 1 trans kid is too many. Anything that makes being trans easier or more pleasant is to be attacked. Every possible barrier to living safely and comfortably as a trans person is to be attacked.

    No we cannot pretend this isn't about protecting kids.


    Houston doctor accused of taking Texas Children's Hospital patient information on transgender care

    Why, this was a year after TX outlawed transgender care of minors.   Why would someone have to be a whistleblower if the hospital was following the law?   They weren't and are now called on it. 

    Seattle Children's hospital does the same thing only WA has no laws restricting the mutilation of minors, so it is ok.  

    UB, please tell me the kinds of life altering decisions minors can properly make.    As a society, we don't allow them to drive until 16, we don't allow them to drink until 18 or 21 (age of adulthood), we don't allow them to purchase firearms, we don't allow them to vote.    Now why would we tell a person that they are not mature enough to vote but they are mature enough to say they want their breasts removed or their penis cut off or that they want puberty blockers (this is age 1-13, very mature individuals) that can cause lifelong fertility issues?    What makes sense about that to you? 

    You are saying that while kids arent' mature enough to drive because of their lack of decision making ability, they are mature enough to surgically alter themselves or chemically alter themselves. 

    You are saying that while kids cannot buy guns because they are not mature enough, they are mature enough to surgically alter themselves or chemically alter themselves. 

    You are saying that while kids aren't mature enough to drink, they are mature enough to surgically alter themselves or chemically alter themselves. 

    You are saying that while kids aren't mature enough to vote, they are mature enough to surgically alter themselves or chemically alter themselves.

    That is crazy thinking bro.   CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY.   And yes, this is about protecting minors.   You are the one not protecting minors by your crazy logic.   Your position is not compassionate, it is monstrous.   There is no compassion in letting a kid fire a gun unsupervised because he wants to.   There is no compassion in allowing a kid or allowing parents of a kid to make this decision.   It is monstrous and barbaric.  



  14. Forget about the perps, we don't care about them obviously.  But you better get that storefront fixed ASAP or we will fine you.   I heard this on the radio.   This guy has no insurance because insurance companies no longer insure folks that are in downtown areas because shoplifting and car bashing into storefronts is rampant.   Indeed, crime is decreasing per UB.   It is this kind of crime that is rampant and the progressive city leaders do nothing but harass the biz owner.   These thugs will drive these guys out of business and that will hurt lots of people.   It is anarchy and the progressives applaud. 


    • Bob 1
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