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Posts posted by mspart

  1. 2 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

    "we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities."

    all she said was that police budgets should be subject to the same scrutiny as any other public budget. she didn't say she supports "defunding" the police, whatever that means.

    She most certainly did before she joined the D ticket with Biden.    She backed out after that.   She was about defunding police and giving that money to "community services such as education, housing, and healthcare, emphasizing that more police did not equate to more public safety."


    You just need to read the article. 


  2. She quite literally said that equity is where everyone ends up at the same place. 


    This is a Harris quote from the video going around again.  

    So there’s a big difference between equality and equity. Equality suggests, “oh everyone should get the same amount.” The problem with that, not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount, but you started out back there and I started out over here, we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me. It’s about giving people the resources and the support they need, so that everyone can be on equal footing, and then compete on equal footing. Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.



    • Bob 2
  3. Not unreasonable.   Rs have lost but gained in the House to  muddy those waters.   But barely.   I agree both parties need to look inward.  

    I do not think Make America Great Again is a bad thing.   It is a good thing.   Why wouldn't anyone want to make America Great Again!    Under Obama it was, "well this is the new normal" referring to the economy.   Trump showed him wrong.   He helped make the economy great again.   There are many that admit things were better under Trump than under Biden.   What Biden has done is make America not great in my opinion.   Many share this, hence make America great again.  

    My opinion is that the left doesn't think America was ever great, hence it is idiotic to say make it great again.   Stupid to say they say.   This is borne out by their policies which have dragged America down in most aspects of life; economy, justice, crime, drugs, illegal border crossings, is a clarion call for the left.   These things do not lift us up, but drag us down.  


    • Bob 2
  4. jross is unburdened by what has been.  He is doing what needs to be done, everyday, everyday doing the things that need to be done so we can come to a consensus of the correct path of doing those things that really, when you think about it, need to be done unburdened by what has been.  


    • Bob 2
    • Haha 1
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  5. So RVs beef is with unofficial news sources that lean right, so he says.   But he has no problem with official news sources that lean left and he knows most people go to to get news.   He really wants it all. 


    • Bob 2
  6. While trying to get rid of the evidence.   Look at the articles I listed UB.   It is not ludicrous, it is fact as demonstrated.   And those are not right or far right news outlets.  

    Sorry, but you have a coverup here.   It won't work like it didn't in 2020.   She will sabotage her candidacy like Hillary did.   Ds will be running for the hills at the DNC convention.  


  7. Possibly true WR. 

    More Weird:

    The border is secure,   But there are millions coming across, the border is secure and closed.   People are being killed by illegal aliens.   The border must be secured and here is a bill to do just that.    (except it doesn't, which is why it is not law).

    Biden is the most vigorous man I've seen, I can't keep up with him.  Biden can't carry on a sentence.   He is completely at attention in his meetings and can rattle off policy like a wonk.   He really can't speak or walk normally, there is something wrong with him.    All that talk is just cheap fake stuff, don't listen to it, I'm telling you he is at the top of his game, better than he ever was.    Whoa now, we got to get rid of him, he's horrible.   Everyone D leader wants him gone.   Now that he is gone, he has been the best President ever.  

    They honestly don't know if they are coming or going.   Ds are schizo and sorry that that is a diss on all schizos. 


    • Bob 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, red viking said:

    Funny how EVERY Democrat is an "extremist." All the more "moderate" Democrats must be running in the "other elections." 

    WA Gov candidate and current WA AG, Bob Ferguson, approved of no police chase in the name of road safety, but which caused an increase in speeding (and traffic deaths due to it), stolen cars ( no chase could be done), and ramming storefronts with said stolen car to destroy the front and steal the goods.  There was a story on this every week around here. 

    He approved of no sentencing for fentanyl possession or use.   Wow, so now we have the most drug deaths ever because of that.   He is against the death penalty but apparently supportive of death by drug overdose.  He wants to be governor with that and much more on his watch.   I'd say he is an extremist. 

    His D challenger in the primary is a fiscal conservative, social liberal.   He initiated a bill to make drugs at least a misdemeanor.   Ferguson was nowhere as a co-sponsor or advocate for the bill.   It passed.   I would say this challegner is moderate compared to extremist Ferguson. 


    • Bob 2
  9. https://www.nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/government-transparency-site-pulls-page-naming-kamala-harris-most-liberal-senator-government-transparency-site-govtrack-removed-a-2019-page-naming-vice-president-kamala-harris-as-that-years-most-liberal-senator

    Government transparency site pulls page naming Kamala Harris 'most liberal' senator

    WASHINGTON (TND) — Government transparency site GovTrack removed a 2019 page naming Vice President Kamala Harris as that year’s “most liberal” senator, site operators told The National Desk (TND) Thursday.

    The now-deleted page compiled data from Harris’s time in the Senate and assigned a ranking relative to other senators. GovTrack found Harris was the least likely to cosign on bipartisan legislation, held the fewest committee positions and was the third most absent senator, missing 61.9% of votes.

    A stellar Senator for sure.   She is further left than Bernie Sanders and that is saying something.   And obviously GovTrack, a government transparency site is not being transparent here.   Funny, the rehabilitation of Harris has begun but deleting historical record is now happening.   But there are other articles discussing the same.  


    Kamala Harris More Liberal Than Bernie Sanders, Senate Record Analysis Shows

    Want someone crazier than Bernie Sanders?   Support Kamala for D nomination. 



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