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Posts posted by mspart

  1. The left stopped making succinct points generations ago.   They are about feelings and emotion.   They can't argue logically because their positions are not logical.   Granted this is a generality, but fit the bill over time. 

    Ds do not  measure results, only money spent.   When things don't work, obviously there is not enough money spent.

    Ds cared so much about sterilizing minors until it became apparent that this was not logical and they couldn't support it among the people.   Even Matt Walsh was before Congress urging them to pass a bill to eliminate the practice.   A D questioned his qualifications and in his response he asked the D if he thought chemically castrating minors was a good thing.   After about 20 seconds of silence the response from the D was "we ask the questions here".   Since the country has turned on them on this issue, they are in full retract mode.  Even AOC removed her pronouns after declaring them oh so important. 

    They cannot formulate coherent positions on their  most basic issues.   Again, I say this in general.  


  2. Exhibit A:   https://www.wsj.com/politics/biden-white-house-age-function-diminished-3906a839

    How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge

    Aides kept meetings short and controlled access, top advisers acted as go-betweens and public interactions became more scripted. The administration denied Biden has declined.


    Dem Strategist Predicts Party Has Its Own ‘Tea Party’ Revolt Coming: ‘We Brought This On Ourselves’

    Democratic strategist Julie Roginsky said on Thursday she believes a “tea party” revolt is imminent in the Democratic Party following a bombshell report suggesting concerns about President Joe Biden’s mental and physical state stretch all the way back to the first months of his presidency.

    Please keep in mind that Julie said these things as a result of the wsj report.  


    • Fire 1
  3. I think we will find that if this case is not dismissed by Judge Merchan, then a appellate court in NY will throw it out for speciousness.  Which is what we have been saying all along.   You can't have a felony conviction if you don't even have an indictment of specific charges.   The specific charges in the indictment that Bragg brought was "other crimes".   I have detailed this a number of times.   Can you be a little more specific Bragg?   Even the judge at the end in the instructions to the jury said you can find he is guilty of 3 different crimes.   You don't have to be unanimous on the specific crime, just be unanimous that he is guilty of something and that is good enough.  You just don't have this in a felony case or any other case for that matter unless the defendant is Donald Trump.  

    In fact the case where he was found liable for sexual misconduct, the lady couldn't even remember when the alleged misconduct took place.   But in Trump's case, that is enough to have a court case and find him liable.   That one will also be thrown out I believe.    

    And then there is the no crime case that was brought against Trump and he now owes 450 million dollars to NY.   No one was harmed, everyone was paid what was owed, and there was not victim.   But none of that matters as long as the defendant is Donald Trump.  

    I have to say if they went after Biden like this I would laugh but know that it was a farce.    You guys on the left can't even go there.   Blinders on.   Rational thought eviscerated.   Mindless sheep.  It is a sad state to be in for sure


    • Bob 2
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  4. 1 hour ago, Tripnsweep said:

    Did Biden take a meeting with a 4th rate has been musician to discuss it and take anything they said seriously?

    The goal is the same.   Why does it matter who met with who.   Your concern was the topic.   Now that I called you out on it you turn to the who of the story.   Same topic, your guy did it.   What's the problem?   There is no problem it is all in your head.  


    • Bob 1
  5. Why do you think they put together such huge bills RV?  It is to hide all the ludicrous spending they want.   You are not being logical here.   You are only concerned with the second bill and not the first one that the Ds helped craft.  You should  be ecstatic that that bill did not pass.   Instead, you make excuses on whay it wasn't so bad.   Yes, you are obviously a real deficit hawk. 


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