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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. You are a funny guy. I am so thankful in my lifetime that I have only run into a few people like you. You seem to be very argumentative. I good number of posters on here are still reasonable even though we may disagree. You on the other hand seem to take great pleasure in toxic conversation. Good luck.
  2. You might want to do a little research on FDR saved the country. JRoss put a link for you.
  3. Come on. You're a really smart guy. I'm sure if you made just a little effort you could find what you are looking for.
  4. Yes. Next question.
  5. Mexico gets California
  6. Senator Britt just introduced Legislation ( Dec 12, 2023) to prevent illegals from voting in federal Elections . A bill that would be able to insure that states are able to verify that only American citizens are voting in federal elections
  7. Nice try. If that was the case the border would be sealed off by tomorrow. Where do you get your info. I would say most legal immigrants who legally obtain their citizenship legally are conservative.
  8. I should have said . So that justifies Joe Biden and his administration to illegally bring that amount of nauseating evil to our border and into our country? The democrats are doing all this in the hopes that they will be able grant them citizenship and get them to vote for democrats. For your information they checked out my brain and they informed me that I must nuts, crazy and insane trying to reason with Uncle Bernard, braves121 and Le Duke.
  9. So why is Biden and his administration bringing that amount of nauseating evil to our border and into our country?
  10. Its a shame most Americans don't know what is going on right now in America.
  11. I really don't see what may have occurred 55 years ago has anything to do with President Biden and his administration allowing 9 million illegal immigrants to flood into our country across the border over the last 3 years.
  12. My best recollection of the 1960's and 1970's is that are government got in a foolish war. We should had never got in involved in the Vietnam War. I had brothers, cousins and friends that served there. Many had great difficulty recovering from that war. I'm sure the CIA was involved in it. the other things they were involved in I am not aware of.
  13. Of course Donald Trump did it.
  14. Last question. Yes. Google.
  15. Everyone knows it was Donald Trump.
  16. The measles along with a good number of diseases are coming across the border.
  17. I think it would be a great idea to put up about 20 of those large tents out on the White House lawn. Every illegal immigrant that comes across the border then should be bused to the White House and stay there until they have their day in court. Some of the dates for the illegals to appear in court are 2 to 3 years out. The White House lawn is 17 acres. Plenty of room.
  18. I am for legal by the book legal immigration. Just like almost every American. Claiming Asylum in order to get across our border when 90 percent of them lying is what I'm against. I have a good number of friends who have immigrated here legally.
  19. What Joe Biden and his administration has done is criminal. His criminal activities will negatively affect our country for decades. By allowing criminals through the border, over running our hospitals , over running our schools, driving down wages for workers and consuming all the financial resources that should be going to American citizens.
  20. She also wants to ban Texas Toast.
  21. You only gave Geog 2 points for his win at 197. Score would be 18 to 13 . I'm calling Feldman with the upset to give Ohio State the win 16 to 15. Either way this should be a great dual .
  22. That would be a really good place to start. Do you think the DOJ is slow rolling this Hunter Biden prosecution to see if Dad is going to get reelected or not?
  23. Really good work. Thanks.
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