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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Congrats, man! I'm kind of a " story behind the story" person, so feel free to clue us in.
  2. Ok. Of course you would know every personal detail of my life, including my time with guns. I think you assume too much, but, nor do I care. Guns don't define my identity.
  3. I'll watch the video, but I've been a gun owner my whole life, so I'm not anti-gun. I grew up a working class kid in Minnesota, which meant we grew up around and using guns. I've owned shotguns and rifles for hunting my entire life, but don't own handguns nor "military weapons." I've gone through Minnesota's gun safety programs, so I take guns and gun safety seriously. Too many didn't have the training that I did, don't even own guns themselves, and espouse no restrictions on firearms. That troubles me. With all of that said, I'm good with banning certain firearms. I've gotten by perfectly fine without them and they'd be a good riddance to our society. I appreciate your decency in talking about this.
  4. Strange you say that, I've been presenting those very numbers for 28 years, with full citations. Haven't ran into too much dispute with it yet. Use good sources, my job is made easier. We own A LOT of guns, and we have A LOT of deaths by firearms. Don't like it anymore than you do.
  5. How do we know that firearms bans wouldn't work? We've only significantly done it once in my lifetime, and it did lower death rates by firearms. However, it's hard to not notice that countries that ban firearms have virtually zero rates of death by firearms. Meanwhile, we have either the highest (or near) rate of gun ownership in the world and one of the highest rates of death by firearms in the world. Yes, correlation is not causation, but in my bidness, that's one tremendous correlation on both ends.
  6. Regarding inflation, and specifically, gas prices, I loved what Joe Scarborough asked when gas prices began declining, as they're doing now. "Are you people who are putting the, 'I did this" Biden stickers on gas pumps going to do so now that prices are falling?" Of course not, furthering my belief that they'd rather see the country fail, versus see good things happening while Biden is in office.
  7. You're dead on correct, from top to bottom. I find it criminal that "news" sources irresponsibly keep people misinformed and angry by deliberately telling people incorrect reasons for inflation. My question that I always ask them is that if it's indeed a President's fault, what then should a President do to fix it? Outside of the fed/ interest rates, that's about it. Outside of mandatory price reductions and/or wage increases, which would go over about like a fart in church with those folks.
  8. I was completely mystified what he was ranting about.
  9. Obviously, there are many opposed to it, as I've documented for you, and as I've been doing for 28 years.
  10. My apologies if I missed it in this thread, but I'm listening to one of the enraged AM radio personalities, screaming at the top of his lungs about apparent censorship of information being shared on Twitter. Specifically, he's screaming about Hunter Biden and believes there should be a criminal prosecution. Does anyone know what Twitter could be charged with?
  11. Just the same way that international terrorism is an even bigger non-issue. The likelihood of any of us being killed by international terrorism is essentially zero. So, international terrorism is irrelevant and a non-issue that we should never be devoting any energies toward.
  12. Best example that I can think of was a DIII case at Warburg College. Wil Kelly was the returning 141 pound national champion and Dustin Hinschberger beat him out in the room for the slot that year. Incidentally, Kelly didn't move up or down and simply chose to ride the pines.
  13. Perhaps the new mantra will be, "Guns don't kill people, people do. Well, except for Russian guns. "
  14. But, the guns don't kill people, people do, right?
  15. I did check in the meantime and he's exactly what I had heard he was. Based on this guy, at least we can conclude that guns are indeed dangerous, and that they do play a role in killing people. On that, I'll never disagree. I'll have to let it go at that. If I spend too much time offering my view ask heck breaks loose and I get the angry villagers and the mod all over me, threatening to ban me. The "Got Music" thread is too important for me to take any chances.
  16. He's an arms dealer/ smuggler, right? If so, and if guns don't kill people but people do, why are his actions seen as so dangerous then? Isn't he, in the end, making us all safer by getting more guns out there to protect us from bad guys? Again, apparently guns don't kill people, people do.
  17. Again, I'm pretty ignorant of it all, but I can't help but notice that the usual loud, critical voices in our society are decrying an international arms trader/smuggler (not exactly sure what he did), yet endorse wild west gun laws on our own soils and in their States. "We don't want guns getting into dangerous peoples' hands!"
  18. I love that version, and the movie even more. This video was "digitized,' but it looks cool.
  19. My Mom would let any of us do it either. Of course, we could oull it off a little, but VERY little. I had an easy natural cut for my weight class anyway.
  20. Really?! I didn't know it was specifically about a drugging braggert co-worker! Makes the song funny now! I was on a Childers binge last night, so that's why it's there. His new album is wild and gutsy!
  21. Good, God, why not!?
  22. Again, at the risk of banishment, I'm not sure how someone who's served in leadership roles for 30-40 years in the Senate, during divided Congress' for much of it, isn't a good negotiator. I think too many of us don't know that until the mid-90's, Congress operated, by their own words, as adversaries not enemies. Since the mid-90's, being enemies is the rule, and we all suffer because of it.
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