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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. I'm not an attorney, and nor do I try to play one on the internet or in the classroom, but me's has to believe that invoking Hillary and Hunter Biden as a defense in all of Deuce's trials (soon to maybe being called Quad) won't do much good.
  2. Anyone else think that a responsible, moral person would jut bow out of the race and declare that he (she) just has too much on his plate and that their focus needs to be elsewhere? Goes to show the lack of the character that this pig has.
  3. I'd put myself up against you in most any sport, which was most of them, that I played. I held my own. However, I'm also not so stupid as to think that there weren't women from time to time who may have been better than I was. Think you'd do ok against Ronda Rousey, Sugar Ray?
  4. In Iowa, everyone was crying foul on message boards and elsewhere over the woman in the picture, and the first case featured in the story. Why? Unfair advantage, which led many to claim that she shouldn't be able to compete with women. And...she's biologically female. Not sure about her gender identity, but she's female and people were crying foul. https://highschool.si.com/iowa/2023/01/05/iowas-best-girls-basketball-players-meet-the-states-top-centers
  5. I'm only saying that if people are going to claim that a biologically born male always has an advantage over a biological female, that is false in many cases. I was also a sprinter in high school, but I know for a fact that the women's state champion in Minnesota in those days had faster times than I did. No advantage there for me.
  6. You think that news outlets help get Presidents/"presidents" elected. If you believe that, then it means that "news" outlets influence you to vote for people.
  7. Why the reference to the Ukraine call then? The Ukraine call was actually a good thing for America and you see it as bad. Why?
  8. Are you genuinely that gullible and unable to think for yisself to where you vote based on what a "news"/news source tells you how to vote?! WOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Biden's "version" is really the only "version." Bottom line is that he asked the person to step down because he was corrupt and Hunter Biden wasn't even at the center of anything at that time.
  10. Yes, he did boast about it, but not for the reasons that AM radio and Tattletale "News" has duped you into believing. Read the full factcheck link. Happy learnin!
  11. Which didn't happen. Yet another time AM radio and Tattletale "News" sent you down a rabbit hole. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.factcheck.org/2020/10/trump-revives-false-narrative-on-biden-and-ukraine/
  12. I'm a biological male, and even in my prime, I wouldn't have been able to beat the biological female in powerlifting. It's not absolute, folks.
  13. Please do. Post one on here EVERY DAY of what you are claiming. I anxiously await.
  14. And here I thought that you were talking about these vermin.
  15. This case is so cut and dried that it's maddening to think that they have taken THIS LONG to get this process going. We knew the day of the phone call what crime was committed and who committed it. Should have been crashed through the system months ago, and Deuce would be sitting in a Georgia prison as I write this.
  16. There is nothing. The article simply documents incidents that have happened. Fantasy is reality, and reality is fantasy.
  17. I never said teachers were being physically attacked. I said that school board members were. Hence, the DOJ is investigating it. However, I NOW will say that teachers are being attacked, after reading the article that I linked for you and the subsequent links to teacher and principal attacks that were documented. The article is wrong?! Really? These attacks are NOT happening? If not, then why is the DOJ looking into it? You sure hate educators who try to make our communities better, don't you?
  18. HAS to be me. Why, I'm the only one who finds authoritarian terrorism directed at volunteers trying to help and improve their communities to be deplorable actions. Fantasy is reality, and reality is fantasy. Thanks for confirming it AGAIN, atom.
  19. I know that I never claimed in this thread that teachers were being attacked. The DOJ is investigating authoritarian terrorists who are threatening school board members, volunteers who try to make their communities better places. However, as long as you asked, here are some instances noted, due to COVID guidelines. https://www.nea.org/nea-today/all-news-articles/who-behind-attacks-educators-and-public-schools
  20. I agree with you, and why I am reluctant to actually attempt to do this exercise. I KNOW I'm probable dead wrong, as I'm not even considering classical and other styles of music. I don't know enough about it to put any of those names "up there" and I just know that my list isn't really going to be accurate.
  21. Not the same comparison, so I'll just make it simple. If I go to a school board meeting and act like a civilized human being, I won't mind if the big bad FBI meanies ask me some questions as to what my involvement may have been. It's called an investigation for a reason. However, if I go to a school board meeting, fueled with rage from some irresponsible authoritarian on AM radio and I subsequently begin threatening people, yep, I'm going to be investigated and rightfully so. I have no worries with big bad FBI meanies coming for me because I commit no such offenses. Boo-yah!
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