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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Which perfectly matches with Tattletale "News" viewership, but they all is free thinkers who do think for themselves.
  2. Baloney. The best medical personnel in the land, including the Mayo Clinic as an organization, recommended preventative measures, quarantines, and lockdowns. The Mayo Clinic still stands behind all of that and just a couple of months ago lifted their mask mandate policy. None of us are medical professionals and look like nimrods when we try to play one in the classroom or on the internet. Fantasy is reality, and reality is fantasy.
  3. And you're medical training comes from where, ma'am?
  4. Several exhibits right here to demonstrate my pernt. Thanks for doing my job for me, folks.
  5. It has to do with the fact that individuals with zero medical training think they know more than noted epidemiologists and infectious disease experts. No one has been misled by the medical community.
  6. It's ridiculous to not follow Mayo Clinic physicans' advice, particularly when I have zero medical training?! WOWZA!
  7. I've not heard it, but when every bigot in the land is applauding and lauding it, that's enough information to tell me to avoid at all costs.
  8. I don't think so...I don't think so. I grew up in Med City USA (Rochester, MN) and still have endless friends and family who work there, including some who are physicians. If the Clinic, as we call it in Rochester, is collaborating what these two folks have been saying, I'm going to believe the professionals. Sorry, but growing up in Med City USA learns ya different than other places when it comes to medical expertise.
  9. If I'm following closely, two of the most highly regarded epidemiologist and infectious disease physicians in the world got us into COVID? Is that what I'm reading?
  10. That's a new one on me. Who told you that?
  11. Is the story inaccurate, atom? Fantasy is reality, and reality is fantasy. Keep watching Tattletale "News" and upping the stupid for us!
  12. Don't know him, and I'm only thinking of one of his songs that I know. Needless to say, won't be showing up on my Mount Rushmore.
  13. Yet another one who missed that the joke is on them. LOL!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Could have been, my boy! Could have been.
  15. Nah, you'd be surprised by how humble I am. I don't need to toot my own horn.
  16. And it's not intended as such.
  17. Got it! First guess too. Yous is SMAHT!
  18. Wouldn't really be possible in my line of work, my boy.
  19. In truth, concept does also apply to my other degree and disciplinary area, but it's most applicable to psychology.
  20. Sure. I have a degree in psychology as well. Need some assistance with the notion?
  21. I recognize that one too! Blathered a half a dozen times each hour by HUD McVeigh Hannity! Good original thought!
  22. You're right, as in my bidness, there is no human nature. Very close overall though, my boy!
  23. Could very well be, but I sure use it to describe how Tattletale "News" operates. "Here's what Nancy Pelosi said today. What do you think?" "I'm ENRAGED! SOCIALERCICIST!"
  24. Another dumb guy laugh...NOW!
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