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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Yet, oddly enough, people did do time for their contacts with Russians. Even Inmate #PO1135809 stated, among other things, that his "presidency" was effed when the Russian collusion stories broke. Yet, all a hoax.
  2. Biased source. "Who are you going to believe? Me or your own eyes?"
  3. You've had weeks to learn yisself on the numbers of books that right wing authoritarian legislators are banning all across this land, Iowa chief among them. So, why haven't you read all about this on your own? Are you Judy not really interested? If not, then why do you always comment on it?
  4. Why would Inmate # PO1135809 supporters be targeted by the FBI for that? Any info that you could provide? I ask because I know a few such supporters, and, to my knowledge, they haven't been under any kind of FBI watch.
  5. Watch this, friends... ...Inmate #PO1135809 committed several crimes, right? Inmate #PO1135809 committed crimes to get impeached, right? Inmate #PO1135809 routinely lies, right?
  6. I actually agree. I voted against her too.
  7. Giving accolades to nhs67 for this idea. It's great reading so far.
  8. ... and maybe the Mustang and biting dog.
  9. This makes a couple of things very clear. One, we now know why Gymmy J. broke the law by defying a subpoena, and two, why Inmate #PO1135809 endorsed Gymmy J. One big criminal enterprise. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/04/politics/jim-jordan-trump-january-6/index.html
  10. Five hiurs later and the Hillart tattle is still the lead tattle, this time on The Bullies.
  11. I think the most alarming thing about this is the lack of responses saying that they don't support book cancelling, but, then again, we know that many do.
  12. No, there will be no calls for systematic deprogramming. Are there people that don't want America to be great. Absolutely! Right around 30% of our population doesn't at present. Here's another. "I want America to fail."-Rush Shut Up Take The Bone Out Of Your Nose And Call Me Back Limburger.
  13. If he's that short, there's a lot of meat there!
  14. I still can't figure out who you cook for. As often as you cook huge amounts, you're either feeding the neighborhood or freezing it!
  15. Ha! I thought the same thing when I posted it.
  16. This book should provide ample warning.
  17. Inmate # PO1135809 will never get elected, but imagine if he did and the crap that he would unleash! Now THAT'S something to fear, not Hillary.
  18. This reminded me of what Chris Christie, darling of the " tea party," said yesterday. Watch Inmate #PO1135809 begins having to be in court for all of his criminal trials, forced to not be able to lash out, and listen to people testify against him! Compund it with twitter gag order, and we will watch a current madman go stark raving made right before our eyes!
  19. I kid you not, friends: they are actually taking about this like it's a grave danger that is coming to the country! Is there any wonder why we have 30% of our country that lives completely divorced from reality!? Wowza!
  20. Of course it's the leading story on Unanimous! I suspecked when Headshuck posted the Hillary thread that it was being drumbeated on Tattletale "News" and AM radio. As I suspecked, it was the lead thing to tattle about on Unanimous at 11:00, and, of course, it's presented misleadingly.
  21. Which means you learned that it's false. If not, then, no, you didn't read it.
  22. Ok, Blackface. That would get you banned anywhere else.
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