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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. A tweet sharing the reporting of a Jewish Israeli. So why don't you comment on that? Do you think Jews are liars or something?
  2. @Bigbrog dismissal of Amos Harel's report, simply because he's Jewish I assume, is another display of his vile antisemitism. Shameful.
  3. Testimony from an American doctor who volunteered in Gaza. Which one of you is going to explain this away?
  4. Looking forward to @Bigbrog trying to explain how a Jewish IDF veteran who reports on the IDF for one of Israel's largest newspapers is actually a secret anti-Semite.
  5. Israel just got busted doing the same thing. Every government does this, including ours. That's why you should get your news from verified sources whenever possible. edit: this one just dropped and wasn’t even what i was talking about lol
  6. This is a report from the longest-running newspaper in Israel written by a Jewish veteran of the IDF. Sorry, but you're going to have to actually address the substance.
  7. It turns out, according to the Israeli press, IDF soldiers *are* targeting civilians and *using human shields.* @mspart @Bigbrog @Scouts Honor care to comment?
  8. caring about violent crime is fine. pretending it’s “high” isn’t. it’s incredibly low and you are incredibly safe. it’s good news!
  9. it’s far lower than when you grew up you just feel like it’s higher because you watch too much tv and spend too much time on the internet. facts over feelings
  10. which part of your question didn’t i answer? i will answer it.
  11. it would take you 30 seconds to go through my profile and copy what i said…..if i actually said it…which is your problem lol.
  12. i answered your question. very directly.
  13. 100% on the labor side. they know our agricultural system would collapse without cheap undocumented labor but still want to use immigration as a political football to stoke their bases.
  14. “none of which have habits of persecuting their citizens.” when you know latin american history….lmao read one book. i’m begging you.
  15. funny enough, the article i linked states that 9,000 precincts have received equipment through that program which is….half of 18,000! And that’s just from one program. There are multiple. Looking forward to your retraction.
  16. you forgot to include the quote. should be easy if i said what you claim i said.
  17. still haven’t answered. and will you acknowledge i answered your question?
  18. Okay, it should be easy for you to quote me where I told him what equipment his department had. If not, it sounds like you got caught and you're backtracking like a 10 year old.
  19. I didn't answer just your question yes and no. I said No to your question and then responded to the rest of your post. I'll repost it here to make it clear for you: You: Did Israel deserve 10/7? If your answer is NO, then Hamas deserves what it's getting. Me: No, and yes Hamas is getting what it deserved. That's pretty clear answer and an agreement with your position. Then I responded to you saying "It is not Israel's responsibility to save the civilians" and explained why I disagree. Now that we've cleared that up, can you finally answer my question: You locate a terrorist in a house. He is in a house with civilians. Would you strike the house?
  20. Where? All I said is I think he'd be surprised. In other words, I *bet* he's wrong. You going to answer my question now? It's an anonymous forum. Why the hesitation?
  21. it looks like you're afraid to answer. i wonder why
  22. No, I do know what police departments have because it's public record. And most of them have military-grade equipment, so I'm willing to bet his does too, whether he knows it or not. if he posted his town, which he shouldn't, we could probably find out for sure.
  23. live look at @Bigbrog local cops
  24. If it were just a few bad apples and they were appropriately punished instead of protected, we'd be in a much safer place.
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