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Everything posted by jross

  1. Probably because I'm rural and a data guy but the gun topic is confusing. Guns are statistically a nonissue. 3M of 330M U.S. citizens (1%) die annually. The causes of death are not limited to: Heart disease - 700K Vehicles - 40K Homicide by firearm - 19K 0.5% of deaths are caused by homicide from a firearm. The average citizen has a 0.006% chance of dying from an idiot using a gun. Your chance of death from a public mass shooting is 0.0~%, while over 80M citizens own guns and over 400M guns exist in the U.S.
  2. Only when including suicides are gun deaths similar to vehicle death counts. Nobody talks about banning car sales. The salesman who sells a car later used to drive into a crowd is not a Merchant of Death. The legal gun dealer that sells guns for legal purposes is not a merchant of death, regardless of what someone does. The Russian Arms dealer that sells guns to people for the open purpose of killing people is a Merchant of Death. This is not comparable at all.
  3. The rhythm and flow were great. I listened to it several times and then paid attention to the lyrics. The song seemed to be about having fun and partying. I noticed some drugs in the lyrics and went and looked this up. The song is based on what his exaggerating story-telling co-worker used to tell him on the ride to work.
  4. Unpopular take. The MoD should have been dispatched swiftly after conviction several years ago.
  5. The real keys to happiness Do kind things for others Be part of something bigger Be comfortable in your skin Routinely express gratitude every day Take care of your health Say yes and have fun Find ways to bounce back
  6. Secret to happiness, "yes, dear."
  7. But that's not the point The point is trust and fairness. The user base will eventually grow beyond where it has been, and the company may become profitable for the first time. The public is informed. More democrats like Tulsi Gabbard and independents (me) may recognize the shady behavior and move center-right. More people will be skeptical of big tech, presidential debates, elections, and mainstream news. Big tech is going to be regulated for sure. Watching people exposed for lack of integrity and who defends it is enlightening.
  8. Dorsey may have lied to congress
  9. Twitter was a public company then, and I was a part-owner when this BS was happening. Head of legal policy and trust lied when they said, "We do not shadow ban. And we certainly don’t shadow ban based on political viewpoints or ideology.” They blocked searches of individual users; limited the scope of a particular tweet’s discoverability; blocked select users’ posts from ever appearing on the “trending” page; and blocked content from inclusion in hashtag searches. All without the user's knowledge. Read the unroll; can you also spot the continued use of racist terminology? [hint: its a label]
  10. Twitter unrolled https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1601007575633305600.html
  11. Can’t wait to see what’s coming tonight.
  12. Twitter, Google, and Facebook monopolize the public communication square. If I want to share life happenings with grandma casually, it will be Facebook. Facebook has ~80%, Google has ~90%, and Twitter has ~25% penetration in the USA population. They are applying censorship bias that influences elections, the government is involved in censorship, and the average person has no idea. Folks on this forum tell me I have a tin foil hat when presented with reliable evidence. Why is it that when a company goes public, it must share financial earnings regularly? They must follow the strict rules laid out by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the government body which oversees capital markets and protects investors.
  13. The Intermat is not comparable and no reason for goernement regulation. The best government is the least government as my general principle. FWIW: publishing who is banned and the reason is something I would choose to do if I was running the forum. I'd have forum rules posted like 'don't dox other users.' I'd warn or ban someone that did it, and post it "Johnie is on probation for 10 days for violating the rule on doxing users.'
  14. Twitter humorously states that they are committed to ensuring the enforcement of Twitter Rules as fair, unbiased, proportional... and they outwardly look the part with their documentation. Twitter publishes counts around legal demands to remove content, government requests for account information, and actions taken on user accounts. It stops short of showing what was moderated and amplified. https://transparency.twitter.com/ Given we have smoking evidence that the actions are unfair, biased, and not proportional... this proposal is a great place to start gaining trust. Transparent content moderation. https://sriramk.com/transparent-content-moderation +Transparent amplification to start.
  15. For me, that was because his achievements directly affected my pocketbook for the better.
  16. 25% of the USA population have Twitter accounts versus <1% watch Fox News. At what point is a business big enough to warrant regulation consideration? Twitter warrants consideration. Fox News is a small fry.
  17. What has Biden done well, and how has it directly affected you? When my pocketbook is hit this hard, the Biden team better cure cancer if he wants me to see past the red. High inflation, less buying power, and my net worth dropped over 40% since he came to power. His Covid policies destroyed small businesses, coerced me into vaccinating to work/travel, and influenced a ten-year subordinate employee to quit my company. It's impossible to look past his incoherent speech and bad character to credit good achievements when his actions negatively impact my daily life.
  18. I'm torn between his policies and the drama. I don't want to vote for Trump in 2024 because of the drama, but Biden/Harris policies are bad. If we get a 2020 election repeat, it's the USA saying FU to the people. We the people have little to look forward to. One would think the next president has nowhere to go but up.
  19. My grandmother lived with my mother. She went shopping, walked, and mingled with family before the pandemic. I'd see her every few weeks. After the pandemic, the news programmed her (in my opinion) to stay home. She would not leave her bedroom when my family visited for two years, and she largely never came out of her room, even when it was just my folks with her. Her physical health degraded until she was put into a nursing home, and she died a month later. She never caught Covid, but she certainly stopped living and stayed glued to the news.
  20. Could those nayers back the blue and vote against a bill due to its verbiage?
  21. My initial reasons for liking Trump. His success with quickly accomplishing what the government could not with the Wollman ice skating rink His real estate stories helped me have the confidence to buy a rental property 15 years ago The positivity I felt when he talked about America’s greatness His talk on bringing more manufacturing back to the USA He was an outsider that brought an optimism to drain the swamp But I did not vote for him in 2016. What I liked when he was president The economy flourished and my 401k soared Healthcare service cost transparency USA first. Better trade deals with and accountability from other countries. Also brought manufacturing back. Reduced troops over seas Low unemployment Responsibility with regulations Tougher on illegal immigration He increased awareness to fake news and corruption The battle between trying to run the country like a business owner and the the gov power checks and balances His ability to achieve results while big tech, the media, and left gov was against him How his presidency impacted me My 401k increased My home and rental property values increased My salary increased My tax deductions decreased I was able to price shop health care services Twitter became insufferable I stopped using google as a primary search engine I started consuming more news sources to address misinformation I began to wish that California would be allowed to secede My son began struggling with the foreign language immersion school during the pandemic and I switched him to normal school. How the pandemic was handled by both presidents has had negative impacts. The media destroyed my grandmas quality of life. The covid policy resulted in several of my favorite businesses closing for good, work attrition, and work layoffs. Now I have less buying power and raises/promotions are still frozen. Note: there is plenty not to like with Trump but above was my positives.
  22. Paywall defeated https://web.archive.org/web/20221205235834/https://www.wsj.com/articles/twitters-duty-to-protect-free-speech-elon-musk-social-media-democracy-new-york-post-ideas-freedom-11670281265
  23. Could you be focusing on the wrong thing?
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