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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. At about the 30 second to go mark I was thinking " OK, there were some early mistakes, but Spencer is learning and improving intra-match. He's got this." Then I was thinking, "hmmm, I hope they worked on closing out a match." But since I am confident they did. I got Spencer in the re-match.
  2. After college I was doing triathlon relays as the swimmer. I ran into someone I used to swim with. He said I looked the same. I pointed out that except now I had love handles. He said, no, you always had those.
  3. Suing companies to force them to support it against their will is weirder.
  4. I laughed. Even though that is not the guy he was avoiding.
  5. By growing I assume they mean shrinking.
  6. I just heard from Musk's lawyers that they are working on a lawsuit against all of the people who stopped buying Bud Light.
  7. Ah, the free speech absolutist and his smaller government/less regulation lap dog, Jim Jordan, strike again.
  8. It does not hurt their cause that a US network is paying billions to sell stories. Edit: That. And swimming is the highest form of sport.
  9. Almost forgot about this one. Well, if you look at this graph one way it looks like 4:00 is kind of an asymptote. But then, 4:10 was looking like an asymptote from 1989 to 2003, and then it wasn't. Same kinda goes for 4:20 at one point. So I will say yes, there will be improvements in technique (the freestyle stroke has evolved since I swam) and technology (sport science has made leaps and bounds since I swam) such that he (or someone) does break 4:00. There could even be rule changes (see backstroke flip turns) that cause a further drop.
  10. Every one of our wrestlers has to wrestle an Olympic qualifier in EVERY round. It's a bunch of bull. There should be an investigation.
  11. You miss the point (which I believe is intentional with you) while also making the point. If Iowa is the only game in town they do not have to offer her money. It is the others that do.
  12. I am not sure if Iowa would the ones. They are already the prohibitive favorite to win the title every year. Perhaps an underdog with a rich, interested alum would step up. But I know so little about women's college wrestling that I have no idea who that would or could be.
  13. With pay to play now a thing it makes sense to consider college if the right offer comes along. In softball the most dominant pitcher just got paid $1 million to transfer. And with NIL she can also still do endorsements.
  14. Then why did you make that part of your argument?
  15. Indeed. There are 5 (and about to be 6) moves named after Biles. She is doing things ever done before.
  16. Marchand .... won 4 individual golds in Paris, Phelps won 5 individual golds in Beijing.
  17. Well there are a couple cabinets, so I will go with two answers. Calumet Farms 15 year Single Rack Black is my favorite in cabinet one, but if you ask my wife's cousin he would prefer the Knob Creek 12 year. In cabinet two I will go with Blanton's single barrel over Weller Special Reserve. But $ for $ it is the Weller, all day.
  18. I like to take a bottled sauce and spike it with cayenne and manuka honey.
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