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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. Have to respectfully disagree. As has been admitted by himself and his teammates who were on the roster prior to Cael's arrival Bubba had no intentions of jumping on board with Cael's vision. Bubba and Cael both made the right decision. Molinaro: I’m sure Bubba will argue against this, but the thing about Cael is he’s the same with everybody. That’s what I liked about him most and that’s what made him change the culture so fast. He was consistent. He wasn’t picking and choosing which guys to discipline. Vallimont: Cael came in and cracked down on some rules and a curfew. He had coaches come to make sure you were in class. If you weren’t there, you had to come into the wrestling room late at night on Fridays and do extra study hall hours. The main thing I can remember is that under the former coaching staff, Bubba had a little more freedom. He would sometimes show up late to a lift. Cael came in very strict and was not really messing around with people tip-toeing the line, and I think that may’ve been a point of conflict between them. There was a bit of tension that was visible every now and then, but I don’t think anyone knew how serious was until he left the team. Jenkins: [After the 2009 season,] some injuries were starting to catch up to me and I needed a break. I knew I needed to hit reset physically and mentally to get back to the podium. I made some personal moves to make sure that if I needed to redshirt, I would in fact redshirt for the first half of the season. I purposefully didn’t show up to classes, so I would be academically ineligible. I had extra credits, so I calculated my ineligibility and eligibility to still perform in January for the Big Ten season, so I could at least have that half a year to get healthy and get back to being that wrestler I came to Penn State as. I forced my redshirt year and possibly my departure from Penn State when Cael realized I was ineligible for the first half of the season and that we had different demeanors.
  2. Being that Jimmy was in Middle School when he started we are now dealing with a High Schooler. His brain is developing and it will be interesting to see his posting style when he hits 20.
  3. We've already done the annual Dual Championship thread. We've also done the annual greatest to never win it. Haven't seen the annual if they would've wrestled thread how would this athlete in a other sport have done or the annual NFL guys who wrestled. You could do one of those broken record threads.
  4. I love to hate Jimmy.
  5. We should stop being so harsh to Jimmy. It's not like we knew this. I'm quite shocked. If only wrestling media outlets would've kept us up to date with how good PSU is. Even FRL, they haven't even touched on PSU wrestlers rankings all year. It's not like they did a segment on, "what's more likely PSU with 6 champs or 10AA's.". Thank you Jimmy for keeping us up to date
  6. @BobDole blueandgold is another Cinnabon handle correct? The penmanship and thread format is identical.
  7. When you have opponents that excel at reattack your offensive output will be less and more calculated Hand fighting and collar ties slow the match down on purpose to try and set up cleaner attacks and avoid scrambles and reattacks. Something the PSU wrestlers excel at. Lower offensive output from UMich wrestlers had more to do with how good their opponents are and less to do with UMich wrestlers not showing up
  8. PSU lives on re-attacks. Way too much hate on the board for the UMich wrestlers. KOT is tailor-made to beat Messenbrink.
  9. Greatest tag team in the history of college wrestling
  10. Have we all forgotten Andrew Alton?
  11. The joke is specifically for Cinnabon
  12. First in the New Year!
  13. This thread is quite a duel between forke and the board. Quite a dual
  14. With all your data can you somewhat predict when Jimmy will make his annual Iowa beats PSU thread?
  15. Pre Facebook Sedona was amazing.
  16. You're going to have to get rid of the L or at this point you're going to take one yourself for being a hater
  17. Yes, theres a lot of psychology and strategy that goes into wrestling when you start competing at higher levels.
  18. Absolutely. Especially between opponents at an equal level. Say wrestler A goes into the 2nd period with a lead 3-1 or 3-0. He can defer knowing he'll go on top & if he can achieve building riding time he'll force wrestler B to cut him loose early in the 3rd period. Theoretically wrestler A is up 4-2, 4-1, or even 4-0 with riding time(essentially making it 5-0) with all the advantages in the 3rd.
  19. Prediction: No one wins 125 this year as a result of the elusive double pin in the finals match. It will be a historic moment
  20. He's probably out there right now yelling at the neighborhood kids for making snow angels on his front lawn
  21. PipeWrench from 3....Drains it!
  22. Is Ben a descendent of the River Cooter Clan? Or did his family migrate from the east coast and he's from the Northern Red Bellied Cooter lineage?
  23. Heard it's definitely under 83%
  24. I'm hearing the "BOOM" is a PA hs recruit
  25. So is it official no Anthony or AJ? @Husker_Du @Jason Bryant @Jon_Kozak @:45 Reporter: Do you have any wrestlers joining the roster for the second semester? Tom: We do not (pause) at this moment
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