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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. Had no idea the Kaw had white tribal members
  2. That is ridiculous and lacks an understanding of history. But go ahead expound on this continued talking point you've yet to explain in detail
  3. Our founding fathers weren't dopes. The electoral college was created to prevent a democratic mob, offset low informed voters, and stop a populist president from taking power.
  4. I felt like this was the cringiest part .....
  5. Thats just your opinion and not necessarily fact
  6. Just curious and have to ask for those of you who have called this man a coward have any of you been in a combat situation where you actually had to kill someone else and face your own mortality? This isn't to say this man failed in his duties but people in general aren't as heroic as they like to think and only a very small percentage of the population is genetically wired to kill another human being. The military is well aware of this and has put in place training methods to get soldiers more accustomed to actually ending another humans life .
  7. Damn Jimmy had to bring Cael into the mix and now he's on the "is he racist radar". Damn Cinnabon.
  8. Just want to get this straight. Is Cael Sanderson racist or not?
  9. @VakAttack apologies if you've answered this already. What approach do you believe the defense will take? I've heard some argue the president isn't listed in section 3. Dershowitz argues there is an impeachment provision that requires a 2/3 vote & on those grounds the Supreme Court will rule in favor of Trump. Others note the Due Process Clause in the 14th and an argument can be made there. Just wondering what strategies the defense team might take
  10. Agree. I'm no fan of Trump but this decision for whatever reason doesn't feel right. Optics look terrible
  11. My best attempt to answer this question is no conviction is not required. It was never specified in the 14th. During that era Congress was preventing Southerners involved with the Confederacy during the Civil War from ever holding office. @VakAttack this sound somewhat correct?
  12. This is why Tbar needs to make a full comeback so this thread could get hijacked on behalf of Braeden Davis
  13. My only request is that when I become a NCAA champ and place higher than @Interviewed_at_Weehawken that I will be bestowed with the Cael Sanderson Award and every other poster who follows and jumps Alexander Hamilton is presented with the same award. That should be tradition
  14. Boring...Do better
  15. Great point because if not we'd all be Christian Pyles. Gross. Know what I'm talking about @Jon_Kozak?
  16. Yeah, I made that participation mistake once already but not twice
  17. You're such a sweetheart
  18. I dont know. @jross& @BobDole are two evil right wingers suppressing my quest for excellence. @Ban Basketball can surely relate
  19. I'm just glad you're joining in on my crusade against @BobDole
  20. I've only come up with one forum poster but its two but one. @TBar1977 & MSU go up as one face
  21. Bro! You're a genius. Next album, "Match Dick"
  22. The real Tbar would run circles around you. You have no idea. You're challenging one of the 4 on wrestling forums Mt Rushmore
  23. I appreciate your due diligence
  24. Cab @BobDole even verify his IP address?
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