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PortaJohn last won the day on February 6

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  1. I totally get it. It's like the man who created the burger is smart but the man who put cheese on it was a genius
  2. Um, Matthew Mcconaughey says something about like living and um that's really the main focus because life itself is a verb Um, it's not really a noun because what already had happened and what will happen um, is already set in stone
  3. @ionel what nickname are we bestowing this wrestler. Gabe Stallnold nickname the Quack? Does jimmy post a who's a better staller thread; Stallrocci or Stallnold
  4. @Jon_Kozak Mitchell is getting some love for the Hodge but it looks like you fellas at Flo don't think too highly of him. Your P4P rankings on Jan 27th are even more interesting... https://www.flowrestling.org/rankings/12557781-2024-25-ncaa-di-wrestling-rankings/52982-p4p-gable-steveson
  5. Other than the pace in no way shape or form does he wrestle like the Brands brothers. I like re-watching his matches and slow it down. He's pulling off some high level stuff that makes my jaw drop. Not necessarily the technique but kind of reminds me of Kyle Dake when you'd stop and think theres no way someone could've pulled that off. Side note; best or most fun Iowa wrestler to watch tape on is Rico Chiapparelli.
  6. Solid picks Hammer...Only difference is I'd switch the results at 133 and it's quite possible the results you have at 149 and 174 get flipped. Parco matches up well against Ridge and Pinto offers style problems for Kennedy. Might see Arnold in another OT match
  7. When in Rome shouting, "Carpe Diem" you get the common response "niente prima del caffe" Just goes to show that things change
  8. It's actually worse than that. I'm nervous letting this out of the bag but here it is. Cael makes him walk on his knees. Cody literally has to bind his shins to his thighs. It is done so Cael can demonstrate his superiority
  9. For someone who has a daughter that participates in sports and who now lives in the Philly region and watched first hand the scam that Lia Thomas pulled off it's an important topic for me.
  10. Not really. Cody is 6' 6". Cael is 6' 2". Varner is pushing 7 feet and Casey comes in around 6' 1". I get where @ionel is going. He is implying they should bring Brooks in. He's the shortest wrestler at NLWC at 5' 3" (confirmed by Jimmy). He'd be perfect for the shorties in the back
  11. For those of us who are Chael fans I am still torn up about how the UFC cheated him out of a title. Them not explaining that tapping ended the bout & not the round is still a top 5 scandal.
  12. Was just last year when we did loser leaves the forum but Bob Dole is a Jimmy fan and @ionel was compromised and paid off to keep him on
  13. The rosters say the Eagles should win this but the Mahomes effect is unfortunately a thing
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