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PortaJohn last won the day on February 6

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  1. Lol. I don't know if anyone actually knows the answer to that question. Will have to defer to @Husker_Du @Jon_Kozak @SetonHallPirate or @Jason Bryant
  2. The B10 does not only uses conference results. Coaches Ranking, RPI, & Win Percentage.
  3. They're putting a lot of weight on the Luffman results between those three. Luffman is being used as the constant
  4. That match doesn't count. It's an exhibition. Kudos for the work you put into this but your top 3 at 141 is incorrect and Idaho is the furthest thing from a PSU homer
  5. 125 lbs. 1) Matt Ramos (PU) Caleb Smith (NEB) Dean Peterson (RU) 4)Luke Lilledahl (PSU) Joey Cruz (IA) Jacob Moran (IN) Brendan McCrone (OSU) Nicolar Rivera (WIS) Cooper Flynn (MN) Dedrick Navarro (NU) Caleb Weiand (MSU) 12) Christian Tanefu (MI) Caelan Riley (IL) Tyler Garvin (MD) 133 lbs. 1)Drake Ayala (IA) Lucas Byrd (IL) Braxton Brown (MD) 4) Braeden Davis (PSU) Dylan Shawver (RU) Jacob Van Dee (NEB) Zan Fugitt (WI) Angelo Rini (IN) Nic Bouzakis (OSU) Tyler Wells (MN) Dustin Norris (PU) 12) Massey Odiotti (NU) Andrew Hampton (MSU) Nolan Wertanen (MI) 141 lbs. 1) Beau Bartlett (PSU) Jesse Mendez (OSU) Brock Hardy (NEB) 4) Vance Vombaur (MN) Sergio Lemley (MI) Joseph Olivieri (RU) Danny Pucino (IL) Henry Porter (IN) Greyson Clark (PU) Christopher Cannon (NU) Cullan Schriever (IA) 12) Dario Lemus (MD) Brock Bobzien (WI) Jaden Crumpler (MSU) 149 lbs. 1) Shayne Van Ness (PSU) Kyle Parco (IA) Ridge Lovett (NEB) 4) Dylan D'Emilio (OSU) Kannon Webster (IL) Andrew Clark (RU) Sam Cartella (NU) Kal Miller (MD) Dylan Gilcher (MI) Drew Roberts (MN) Isaac Ruble (PU) 12) Clayton Jones (MSU) Joey Butler (IN) Royce Nilo (WI) 157 lbs. 1) Ethen Miller (MD) Tyler Kasak (PSU) Antrell Taylor (NEB) 4) Jacori Teemer (IA) Tommy Askey (MN) Joey Blaze (PU) Trevor Chumbley (NU) Chase Saldate (MI)/Brandon Cannon (OSU) Conner Harer (RU) Jason Kraisser (IL) Ryan Garvick (IN) Luke Mechler (WI) Braden Stauffenberg (MSU) 165 lbs. 1) Mitchell Mesenbrink (PSU) Mike Caliendo (IA) Christopher Minto (NEB) 4) Beau Mantanona (MI) Andrew Sparks (MN) Braeden Scoles (IL) Tyler Lillard (IN)/Max Mayfield (NU) Paddy Gallagher (OSU) Anthony White (RU) Stoney Buell (PU) Alex Uryniak (MD) Cody Goebel (WI) Jay Nivison (MSU) 174 lbs. 1) Levi Haines (PSU) Carson Kharcla (OSU) Lenny Pinto (PSU) 4) Patrick Kennedy (IA) Clayton Whiting (MN) Jackson Turley (RU) Danny Braunagel (IL) Brody Baumann (PU) Lucas Condon (WI) Derek Gilcher (IN) Joseph Walker (MI) 12) Branson John (MD) Ceasar Garza (MSU) Aiden Vandenbush (NU) 184 lbs. 1) Carter Starocci (PSU) Max McEnelly (MN) Silas Allred (NEB) 4) Gabe Arnold (IA) Jaxon Smith (MD) Edmond Ruth (ILL) Shane Cartagena-Walsh (RU) Ryder Rogotzke (OSU) DJ Washington (IN) Jaden Bullock (MI) Jon Halvorsen (NU) 12) Lucas Daly (MSU) Orlando Cruz (PU) Dylan Russo (WI) 197 lbs. 1) Stephen Buchanan (IA) Josh Barr (PSU) Jacob Cardenas (MI) 4) Isaiah Salazar (MN) Zac Braunagel (IL) Camden McDanel (NE) Evan Bates (NU) Gabe Sollars (IN) Seth Shumate (OSU) Remy Cotton (MSU) Ben Vanadia (PU) 12) Chase Mielnik (MD) PJ Casale (RU) Niccolo Colluci (WI) 285 lbs. 1) Gable Steveson (MN) Greg Kerkvliet (PSU) Joshua Heindselman (MI) 4) Nick Feldman (OSU) Luke Luffman (IL)/Yaraslau Slavikouski (RU) Ben Kueter (IA) Jacob Bullock (IN) Seth Nevills (MD) Hayden Filipovich (PU) Harley Andrews (NEB) Max Vanadia (MSU) 12) Dirk Morley (NU) Gannon Rosenfeld (WI)
  6. No way. You hold on to that TBar handle and when I'm done with my AI program that mimics his posting style I'm going to either request the TBar or send you the program to resurrect him
  7. What are the odds that Bod Dole sends @jajensen09 to the zoo for stealing a @Jimmy Cinnabon thread? @ionel set the odds and make them good. @Hammerlock3 is ready to go!
  8. That's not true. He's taken losses in between all his bouts with Sadulaev. After his gold medal in 2016 he took quite a few losses in the lead up to his first match with Sad. People are rewriting history. Kudos to Snyder because he wrestles a lot and when you wrestle a lot at the Senior level you are going to take losses.
  9. Read my earlier comment. Since he last lost to Sad in 2021 he's taken losses to 3 wrestlers. Taz and Azarpira plus his head scratcher to Yoshida. Taz and Azarpira are very talented, much younger, and coming into their prime. Taz took out Sad who a lot were claiming is one of the best to ever do it. People are just trying to find reasons to take the NLWC cheap shot. You guys are broken records. You want the truth. These guys are just better than Snyder and if he stayed at Ohio State these guys would still just be better. Get a grip
  10. That's because the talent level at the weight was less than it has become. 97kg now has a lot of talent. Especially the younger guys. Other than his lack of upping his par terre he's still performing fairly well. People are getting delusional.
  11. I reread your post. My bad. Misunderstood
  12. If it happens again @ionel and I will coordinate a protest for your release
  13. If I'm picking an all time fantasy team I'm taking all the zealots. My atheist, agnostic, and buddhist buddies are rational enough to understand why
  14. Growing up I was always reminded that Lehigh students had to walk uphill to and from classes. Wonder if their Engineering department ever fixed that issue
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