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PortaJohn last won the day on March 11

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  1. "Over" meaning they beat two champs on the way to claiming their first or just winning the title. Spencer Lee did it in 2018 and beat Suriano (a future champ) in the finals. He took out NATO but never wrestled Cruz
  2. I love how in Better Call Saul they slowly peeled the onion on Howard Hamlin's character to show how twisted you as the viewer are in ever disliking him. The light bulb is supposed to turn on in acknowledging Jimmy's distorted view of Howard
  3. The head of police? Honestly I don't know. I'd guess they'd have to verify who the perpetrator is. I don't remember the timeline. Were they reporting that it was a student but not the gender? By the time I had a better picture I knew it was both a student and a female
  4. This is an interesting topic on human behavior and not a new phenomenon. Have maybe a strange theory on why this is. We as an observer never want to see ourselves as the victim. The idea of being helpless is subconsciously terrifying.
  5. Lets say your assessment is 100% accurate it still doesn't excuse a twitter source or any proclaimed news source from stating it as fact. When I first heard the story break I only had 2 facts. It was in Wisconsin & it was at a Church school. Being an honest guy I can admit my first thought was it was probably trans related. But, I didn't post anything stating that because that was just a hunch. When I first heard of the CEO shooting my first thought was that the shooter himself or a family member was denied coverage and he was seeking revenge. Both of my hunches were wrong.
  6. Fun fact. The decoding the pagers in season 1 was based on Burns' actual investigation on Melvin Williams
  7. The Wire was special because it was basically a documentary. You had a police reporter and a former police officer writing the script and stories. They just changed some names around and voila, a masterpiece. The character Roland is based on Ed Burns history with the police force and his later work teaching in the Baltimore school district
  8. ooohh, I want to play. How I categorize them Best Written - The Wire Best Story - Breaking Bad Most Iconic - The Sopranos Greatest Series Finale - Six Feet Under Greatest Single Episode - The Bear Season 2 Episode 6 "Fishes" Best Prequel/Sequel - Better Call Saul Best Single Season - House of Cards Season 1 (Could replace this with a few of the seasons of the Wire but that first season was dynamite)
  9. This is a great example of the "fog" I remember seeing that post. Being curious I clicked the link. The profile ended up matching the shooter. But, the accusation of the shooter being trans came from thin air. Totally manufactured.
  10. Issue with early reporting on these type of tragedies. I posted what was being reported at the time of the body count which ended up being wrong. Those reports were coming from major media networks. Media networks also misreported on a 2nd grader making the 911 call which was later corrected. It was the 2nd grade teacher. Then you throw in social media and who knows what info you are going to find.
  11. If we are to believe the stories about AJ's off the mat conduct I consider this to be quite the statement.
  12. Does Tapatalk have a double tap feature or is this double response part of your new persona?
  13. There isn't a more mythical drinker than Ulysses S Grant that held the position. And we can't forget our man Jefferson Davis held the position. Pushed Pierce to back the Kansas-Nebraska act. He later full-filled his dream as the slave loving future leader of the confederacy. Then you have John B Floyd who sent munitions to southern forts anticipating the civil war.
  14. Yes Mendez does a much better job than Bartlett with racking up points against lesser competition. But, when he's wrestled ranked opponents he's been in some battles. Last year took a loss to Matthews and Bartlett in the regular season. Happel gave him a good scrap. Echemendia gave him a good push in the last minute of their semi finals match. He didn't blow away the competition at Cliff Keen this year. He's my pick to win it but I'm more questioning not having Bartlett as a clear #3.
  15. You can say the same exact thing about Mendez.
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