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Everything posted by Fadzaev2

  1. Carr's dad's not a bad coach either, and Nate having battled Kenny Monday so many times and the history of that series, only made sense for this series to begin tonight, as they can see each other twice more this year.
  2. This is just in fun!! The 60's version of tap a talk.....
  3. I didn't have possession of the Rocky Movies.....watched them on TV, but if I needed a tape, yes I would have taped over them too....lol. I have many wrestling videos I wouldn't tape over.....hundreds of them.
  4. I watched Vision Quest once and taped over it with some much better wrestling. Enough said.
  5. And then of course there's this.... https://www.google.com/search?q=ncaa+finals+dake+vs+taylor+wrestling&oq=ncaa+finals+dake+vs+taylor+wrestling&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l2.16870j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:fabd9ef5,vid:s9K00prj6kY
  6. Thanks for clarifying that....I was wondering.....as someone once said years ago on Saturday Night Live, "I'm a serious kinda guy!!" Maybe Father Sarducci!!
  7. I didn't have Dake against Taylor.....I had 3 guys against Schultz....Fantasy Matches I'd like to see, that's all.
  8. Dave Schultz vs. Dake, Taylor, Dieringer (all 2 out of 3)
  9. Wishing Swiderski the best......tough kid with lot's in his toolbox.
  10. how did the Swiderski/Cole match go???
  11. Hope you keep the results coming.
  12. yes, I don't think I can get it.
  13. Is it working on ESPN+ ......it wants me to go to a livestream I don't have????
  14. https://www.google.com/search?q=youtube+roses+are+red+my+love&oq=youtube+roses+are+red+my+love&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30j0i390l3.12479j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:17caf7b0,vid:8rjPC7-JMUM
  15. Michigan had 3 or 4 backups in due to injuries.....Mattin, Amine, and Lamars out off the top of my head.
  16. I believe Branch had a losing record going into NCAA's in '94 (his freshman year). I remember seeing it in the NCAA program that year and here's an excerpt from an article I just dug up...... Mark Branch of Oklahoma State reached the NCAA Championship finals four times, placing first in 1994, second in 1995 and 1996, and first in 1997. Branch entered the 1994 NCAA Championships as a freshman with an 8-9 record and shocked the field by winning the 167-pound bracket. Pat Smith, his Cowboy teammate, made history by becoming the first wrestler to win four NCAA Division I titles in the weight class before Branch, so there was an expectation that Branch would also win four.
  17. I haven't read through all of this, but I looked up Baylor Fernandez in WrestleStats, and it's his 3rd DQ this year. In 2020, he was involved in 5 MedForfeits either won or lost. ??????????????????????????????????
  18. Dan Gable used to!!!!!!!
  19. Has to be a joke right????? RBY!!!
  20. Probable is a "key" word!!!! (worked a lot of clinics in my day)
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