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Everything posted by russelscout

  1. Score once and sit on a lead. This was already a problem and this makes it worse. This in no way guarantees that wrestlers will attack more frequently. It’s not rocket science.
  2. One score and put the running shoes on! Great for the sport! This rule did nothing to solve stalling and boring matches… if anything, it will make it worse.
  3. There is more room to stall with a lead. By increasing the value of a takedown, you’ve devalued everything else, including stalling points. It’s a lot safer to do nothing and fend off attacks than to risk being offensive, give up 3 on a go around, and blow a lead.
  4. Just wait… by the end of the season that might change
  5. I think we will look back at the 3 point takedown as a huge mistake. Guys already were getting one takedown and sitting on the lead for a win. Now you can do that even more. Get a takedown in the first, allow two escapes, get an escape of your own, and with a 2 point lead you can get 2 stall calls and win the match. The leadership behind this decision is f’ing stupid…. Not to mention they changed the one thing fans actually engage in; yelling TWOOOOO when there is a takedown.
  6. 3 point takedown is idiotic. You’ve now made it easier to get one takedown and ride out and sit on a lead.
  7. I’m wondering what the response would be if a wrestler after the match just said “God isn’t real and people who believe in him are stupid.”
  8. Great wrestler, but a religious zealot.
  9. The Finals doesn’t fall under wrestling discussion?
  10. … as far as I know Socrates will not be attending tonight so no worries.
  11. Yep, Iowa is fine. They haven’t finished outside of the top 8 in 50 years. Pretty insane.
  12. Jeez, I hope not. I want the finals to be about the finals.
  13. Some kids just can’t stay healthy. I’ve coached a few kids with knee problems. They rehabbed right, took the time off, did all the right things, and still ended up tearing something again.
  14. I don’t know. How much you want to bet he has another torn ACL? In my experience, when you have kids that have multiple ACL repairs and continue to wrestle, it’s not if they will tear it again, but when. I highly doubt he is not wrestling just because of ego.
  15. Any kid who uses that as a reason to pick their school is an idiot.
  16. I think they need to start by finding better upper weight coaches; non-Iowa guys for once.
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