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4 hours ago, jchapman said:

Plus, wrestling is a timed event, whereas volleyball is a first to so many points event.  So matches that are close in score at the end can reflect a strategy of the leading wrestler allowing the losing wrestler to score meaningless points as time runs out.  There is no such strategy in volleyball.

Hi Pablo!

I think jchapman has a good take when comparing results.  To me, wrestling is much more binary win/loss, and that is probably the best indicator.

Some wrestlers can win a LOT of matches 4-1, whereas others have much more offence.  When trying to apply an algorithm based on score, you would think that those who shoot/score a lot would be better (wins by Major/TF more), but in reality/head to head, that one takedown wrestler who is almost impossible to score on may be favored.  When trying to predict a win/loss head to head, scoring margins like that aren't going to be the case.  If I had to guess, the most predictive model will weigh the win/loss more heavily in wrestling than in volleyball.

I would be very interested to see what is more accurate in the tournament, this Pablo model, an ELO model, or rankings like Intermat, and that shouldn't bee TOO difficult of a comparison to make, who is ranked higher on what model, and was the prediction correct.  The only problem there will likely be a small sample size (models will likely favor the same wrestler in most cases).

Good luck!  and finally, you probably have, but have you looked at wrestlestat?  they've got a very similar model going: https://www.wrestlestat.com/faq#:~:text=The algorithm factors in the,that have fewer total matches.



Great work Pablo, I'm always a fan of more data. I would love to see what your model ranks if you didn't weigh pins. I think wrestling is unique in with these elo type models because pins can happen at any time with no regard to ability and that it doesn't matter if you win by 1 or 15. You just have to win. There are plenty of guys that don't stack up points even though they could if it was a first to 15 points instead.

7 hours ago, Pablo said:

How did you determine that?

I have data that informs the value of a pin.  You are making things up.

I have determined that an undefeated wrestler who beat another wrestler by major decision is ranked and seeded higher than that other wrestler because of logic and because 100% of all ranking outlets  and seeding criteria agree. 

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11 hours ago, TylerDurden said:

Counterpoint: you decided that a pin is more valuable in every situation for your calculation. 

Wrestling isn't the same as volleyball. A pin can happen for reasons other than domination - people get caught while leading, etc. 

In volleyball, you can't get caught. If you lose a set 25-14, you got smacked. 

I think that's where your system will fall apart when trying to make it work for wrestling. 

Good point- wrestling is very challenging to rank because injuries are so common and influence records impactfully. I'd argue using prior All-American and NCAA match performances would be helpful but then you'd have to compare weight class changes, health histories, the amount of data needed to accurately assess this stuff borders on the most ridiculous manual labor ever. I recently spent 8 hours analyzing who was the best pound for pound wrestlers. Here is what I came up with; it was exhausting. I accidentally called Bonus victories "majors" in my rankings.

1.Gable Steveson (data adjusted for match count)

Top 40 Majors 5    Top 15 Wins 5   Best Win Ranking 7   Tech Rank 1   Team Points Rank  3   

Top 15 Majors 5   Bonus Rate 100  Best Major Ranking 7

2. Mitchell Mesenbrink

Top 40 Majors 7    Top 15 Wins 1   Best Win Ranking 2   Tech Rank 1   Team Points Rank  3  

Top 15 Majors 1   Bonus Rate 100   Best Major Ranking 2

3. Parker Keckeisen

Top 40 Majors 8    Top 15 Wins 5   Best Win Ranking 4   Tech Rank 3   Team Points Rank  5  

Top 15 Majors 3   Bonus Rate 90   Best Major Ranking 4

4. Carter Starocci

Top 40 Majors 5    Top 15 Wins 4   Best Win Ranking 3   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank  2  

Top 15 Majors 3   Bonus Rate 94   Best Major Ranking 9

5. Stephen Buchanan

Top 40 Majors 8    Top 15 Wins 7   Best Win Ranking 3   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank  4  

Top 15 Majors 3   Bonus Rate 79   Best Major Ranking 9

6. Wyatt Hendrickson

Top 40 Majors 6    Top 15 Wins 4    Best Win Ranking 5    Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank 1    

Top 15 Majors 2   Bonus Rate 89   Best Major Ranking 5

7. Josh Barr (1 loss to 1st ranked)

Top 40 Majors 7    Top 15 Wins 4    Best Win Ranking 2    Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank 8    

Top 15 Majors 2    Bonus Rate 83    Best Major Ranking 7

8. Jesse Mendez (1 loss to 1st ranked)

Top 40 Majors 6    Top 15 Wins 7    Best Win Ranking 5   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank N/A   

Top 15 Majors 4   Bonus Rate 75   Best Major Ranking 6

9. Dean Hamiti

Top 40 Majors 7    Top 15 Wins 4   Best Win Ranking 10   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank 10    

Top 15 Majors 2   Bonus Rate 74   Best Major Ranking 10

10. Michael Caliendo (1 loss to 1st ranked)

Top 40 Majors 8    Top 15 Wins 5   Best Win Ranking 7   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank N/A   

Top 15 Majors 2   Bonus Rate 74   Best Major Ranking 9

11. Max McEnelly

Top 40 Majors 3    Top 15 Wins 4   Best Win Ranking 7   Tech Rank 3   Team Points Rank 7   

Top 15 Majors 2   Bonus Rate 83   Best Major Ranking 9

12. Keegan O’Toole

Top 40 Majors 3    Top 15 Wins 2   Best Win Ranking 2   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank  N/A  

Top 15 Majors 1   Bonus Rate 92   Best Major Ranking 10

13. Shane Van Ness (1 loss to 4th ranked)

Top 40 Majors 5    Top 15 Wins 4   Best Win Ranking 3   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank N/A   

Top 15 Majors 3   Bonus Rate 78   Best Major Ranking 3

14. Matt Ramos

Top 40 Majors 2     Top 15 Wins 5    Best Win Ranking 3   Tech Rank 2   Team Points Rank 6    

Top 15 Majors 1   Bonus Rate 78   Best Major Ranking 11

15. Caleb Henson

Top 40 Majors 3    Top 15 Wins 3   Best Win Ranking 4   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank N/A   

Top 15 Majors 2   Bonus Rate 75   Best Major Ranking 14

16. Greg Kerkvliet

Top 40 Majors 2    Top 15 Wins 3   Best Win Ranking 11   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank N/A   

Top 15 Majors 1   Bonus Rate 81   Best Major Ranking 15

17. Owen Trephan

Top 40 Majors 3    Top 15 Wins 2   Best Win Ranking 6   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank 9   

Top 15 Majors 0   Bonus Rate 78   Best Major Ranking 28

18. Brock Hardy (3 losses to 1st, 8th & 9th ranked)

Top 40 Majors 4    Top 15 Wins 4   Best Win Ranking  5  Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank N/A   

Top 15 Majors 2   Bonus Rate    Best Major Ranking 5

19. Terell Barraclough (1 loss to 30th ranked)

Top 40 Majors 3    Top 15 Wins 5   Best Win Ranking 4   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank N/A  

Top 15 Majors 0   Bonus Rate 58   Best Major Ranking 18


20. Isaac Trumble (3 losses to 2nd, 2nd and 6th ranked)

Top 40 Majors 7    Top 15 Wins 4   Best Win Ranking 6   Tech Rank N/A   Team Points Rank N/A   

Top 15 Majors 1   Bonus Rate 68   Best Major Ranking 6

21. Peyton Hall (1 loss to 3rd ranked)

Top 40 Majors 4    Top 15 Wins  4  Best Win Ranking 7   Tech Rank 9   Team Points Rank N/A   

Top 15 Majors 0   Bonus Rate 59   Best Major Ranking 17

Honorable Mention: Mullen, Cardenas, Alirez, Kasak, Plott, pinto, Ferrari, Beard, Haines, little, Stout


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