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Couple of HWTs


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Bear on the right has got a few pounds on the other one.  I got a stall warning on the bear on the right backing up.  Then 2 pt takedown for the bear on the right.  Couldn't tell about back points, the top and bottom of those bears kinda look the same, there was just a mass of bear rolling around.  Right bear's coach ought to throw the brick for back points.  If I was there reffing, I wouldn't be down there checking though!  Man, they're quick for big boys.

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At the end, like the last second, one of the bears head comes up like "what the heck!!!"  How do I get outta here?   I'm guessing it was the bear on the left.   With the way the bear on the right kept backing up, I was thinking lefty would prevail.   But he took it just a bit too far and found out who's the boss.


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