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On 3/20/2024 at 3:44 PM, mspart said:

What kind of care?  Chemical Castration?   That kind of care?  

You are talking about treating normal human beings with treatments meant for real physical maladies.   Gender dysphoria is a psychological malady that is best dealt with via counseling, not drugs.   Certainly not surgical procedures. 

What you are saying is that a kid of 13 can make this decision where he/she cannot make the decision to get a gun, get a driver's license, buy alcohol, vote.   But why?  Because they are not mentally developed enough to make those decisions and that is scientific.   But they are definitely mentally developed and mature enough to make this gender  decision that if followed through with drugs like this, they will have negative repercussions the rest of their lives. 

Following these policies does not reduce the amount of counseling needed.    In fact it increases it.   It doesn't reduce psychological problems.   I probably adds to them.   The kids  need to talk and discuss.   Counsel.   They don't need to be ruined with barbaric drugs and procedures.   That is monstrous. 


Sorry may have scrolled past this before and lost track of it. 

Chemical castration, no. It doesn't seem as if you understand the procedures that go into the treatment trans people go through.  But if that is your concern, do you feel the same way for chemotherapy for kids with cancer? As far as sterility issues later in life chemotherapy does have the chance for that side effect. 

'Normal' human beings? Not sure what you mean by this. I understand it might be difficult for you to grasp, but no one is 'normal' medically. We all have small variations in how a drug or treat could interact or effect us. That's why studies rely on statistics from as large a sample as is reasonably necessary. Also that treatments are not followed to the letter in every case because of observations from doctors and patients might require alterations. 

'Best' treated? By what metric are you coming to that conclusion? 

13 year old making a decision. I'm not advocating for a 13 year old to make any decision that may result in permanent changes. At least not without jumping through several hoops with parents and doctors. The article mentions that regret from transitioning has been falling because the process has become better and more comprehensive. As are most new medical procedures/treatments or anything new, really. And everyone has negative repercussions in their lives, trans people more than most, but these treatments will allow them to be happier in their lives while dealing with the 'repercussions'.  More info will help to refine the process. It might be icky to you but some people find it necessary for these treatments and they are only getting better. 

Counseling: considering the things some kids go through trying to get help through this situation, I don't see counseling or the need for it later, as a bad thing. Counseling by itself, is not a bad thing. As we go through our lives its good to check in to see if we are ok in our own head as our lives wax and wane. Helping to deal with past and present trauma is not negative. 

Why do you say 'barbaric' with regards to methods of treatment for people? 

https://apnews.com/article/transgender-treatment-regret-detransition-371e927ec6e7a24cd9c77b5371c6ba2b  Might help. 

48 minutes ago, JimmyBT said:

A preseason tournament, in Australia, is a point for what? 

Did you read the article? Some of the quotes seem to work against, what I assume is your point of disagreeing with the organization letting trans athletes play. They've been playing for 20 years. The tournament was for 'fun'. No indication that anyone was hurt. Just feelings of being beat by better teams and I know how sympathetic you are to hurt feelings. But that's what the preseason is for. Figure out where you need to focus. 

Pardon the pun but this seems less a point for you and more like an 'own goal'. 


It’s a point for sure.  Women are losing spots to biological men. Has nothing to do with owning anything.  It’s just a fact that certain people seem to think isn’t happening.  But is. All over the world.   Again. So much for women’s equal rights in sports.  

1 hour ago, JimmyBT said:

It’s a point for sure.  Women are losing spots to biological men. Has nothing to do with owning anything.  It’s just a fact that certain people seem to think isn’t happening.  But is. All over the world.   Again. So much for women’s equal rights in sports.  

Not what 'own goal' means. 

Where does it say someone was denied a spot on the team? And don't say, 'its common sense' because at no point does it mention someone who wanted to play but couldn't. The other team chose not to. And for no other reason then they lost a game that doesn't count for anything. 

1 hour ago, JimmyBT said:


Even Martina is against biological men playing women’s sports.  Hmmmmmmm. Rene Richard’s too.  I’ll let you search/read about who that is.  Martina says “ this is not about trans, it’s about male bodies playing women’s sports”   

Martina is entitled to have an opinion. On an issue that is fairly new. That we are all learning more about. I imagine this opinion will change over time as it becomes more normalized. I understand that might be your point. That you'd rather it not become normalized. But I don't think you're concerns will really be at issue when things find their groove. 

But we'll see. 

1 hour ago, JimmyBT said:

You have no idea what I do or don’t want.  Keep ASSuming though.  Face it. Men don’t belong in women’s sports. 

Based on your comments and the stories you post its pretty clear you don't want these people competing on such a team. You can whine about assuming all you want. Doesn't stop you from doing it, assuming or whining. 

There are no such things as "women's sports". They're just sports. Many of them differ because of the people that were in charge at the time were misognystic and ignorant that one iteration of a sport needed to be 'fairer' so that they wouldn't hurt themselves. 

Examples: Tennis, 3 sets vs 5 sets. Differences of Baseball vs Softball, not allowing certain people to run a marathon until the 60's or Olympics until the 80's. 

https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1484&context=honorstheses&httpsredir=1&referer= good paper about this and other gender/sex issues that might need to be cleared up. Go Colby!

Coed sports have been around forever. 


21 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

Based on your comments and the stories you post its pretty clear you don't want these people competing on such a team. You can whine about assuming all you want. Doesn't stop you from doing it, assuming or whining. 

There are no such things as "women's sports". They're just sports. Many of them differ because of the people that were in charge at the time were misognystic and ignorant that one iteration of a sport needed to be 'fairer' so that they wouldn't hurt themselves. 

Examples: Tennis, 3 sets vs 5 sets. Differences of Baseball vs Softball, not allowing certain people to run a marathon until the 60's or Olympics until the 80's. 

https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1484&context=honorstheses&httpsredir=1&referer= good paper about this and other gender/sex issues that might need to be cleared up. Go Colby!

Coed sports have been around forever. 


Coed. Bahahhahahahahahah. This is far from coed there jr groomer. 

3 hours ago, mspart said:

Men are better at beauty pageants than women are and that's saying something. 


Men are better are womaning than women are, apparently.  Look at all the woman of the year awards men are winning.  Must be easy to be a woman if any ole man can do it.

People who tolerate me on a daily basis . . . they are the real heroes.

19 hours ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

Based on your comments and the stories you post its pretty clear you don't want these people competing on such a team. You can whine about assuming all you want. Doesn't stop you from doing it, assuming or whining. 

There are no such things as "women's sports". They're just sports. Many of them differ because of the people that were in charge at the time were misognystic and ignorant that one iteration of a sport needed to be 'fairer' so that they wouldn't hurt themselves. 

Examples: Tennis, 3 sets vs 5 sets. Differences of Baseball vs Softball, not allowing certain people to run a marathon until the 60's or Olympics until the 80's. 

https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1484&context=honorstheses&httpsredir=1&referer= good paper about this and other gender/sex issues that might need to be cleared up. Go Colby!

Coed sports have been around forever. 


This has got to be the dumbest thing I have read on the internet in a LONG time.  Again, do you actually believe the things you write??

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